Chap. #1

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"Morning, play-toy." Alex chuckles darkly as a bottle of water is tossed my way. How many days has it been without water?
Gruesome yellow marks color my body, bruises from beatings causing black and blue marks across my face. A shiver rolls down my body as his eyes linger across me, no man other then her mate should see a woman naked.

He exited as quick as he entered. Laying back on the hard cement I contemplate my life, death is an option.

I could never do it.

"Shut up,"
My eyes jolt awake at the command. What time is it? It doesn't seem like the usual time they come in from us. Another loud bang courses through the metal doors as footsteps are heard.

"Nobody make a sound." Another man states, he works for Alex, too. He opens my cage door sending me a snarl.
I growl at him shoving myself in the corner.

"Knock it off," He growls handcuffing me to bars.
"I hate you," I spit as my face lashes to one side, I let out a whimper of pain as he locks me back in.
I couldn't sleep the rest of the morning, my arm has the sensation of pins and needles as it rests above my head. The sound of the metal door slams shut above me, footsteps multiple footsteps increase down the halls.
It's time for our usual routines.

"Get everyone out, now. Quickly, w don't have a lot of time." A deep voice echoes down the cement walls.

A man stops at my cell, an olive skin man, quite tall, black slicked back hair, with a rigid body. His arms cross over his chest, muscles bulge every which way. A woodsy scent suffocates my nostrils as my body begins to shake.
As if on instinct his body immediately becomes tense as his eyes slowly meet mine. A rage of emotions soar through my veins.
Oh no, no, no.

He doesn't say a word as he bends the metal bar of my cell. Without a word he easily yanks the cuff off my wrist, his eyes drink in my body.

"Dude, are you good? Want me to grab her?"
"No," He quickly snarls, the man rolls his eyes backing away slowly. The man sighs with a humorless chuckle before pulling his shirt off he drops it down my bony body, it falls right above my knees.

"This isn't the last time they'll see me, I promise that." He mumbles under his breath taking my hand rushing my out of the cell.

"Is everyone out?" He questions a blonde haired man.
"Yes, Sir. We asked if they wanted help, they ran free."
My heart burns with energy as my eyes adjust to the outside world. Its been a while.
"We need it go," My mates eyes pierce mine as he starts off in a sprint.
I can't remember how long we were running, half hour or so before we reached three black vehicles.

"Alec and Max, you're with me. Everyone else, scatter in." His voice courses through my ears as we pile in, he sits in the back with me, the two men, Alec and Max take the front seats.
It's a quiet ride, my eyes focused on the beautiful scenery of dawn.

"What's your name?" I jump slightly as his deep voice questions me.
"Mia, who are you?"
"Jason Samuels, Alpha of Blood-moon." 
"You're an Alpha?" I gulp as his eyes find mine.
"Yes, and you'll be the Luna of my pack. Alec is my Beta, and Max is my third in command." Max turns in his seat with a smile as Alec's eyes find mine in the review mirror.

"How long have you been in there?"
"Too long," I huff as I lay back in the seat, quickly the tingles shoot ip my body as Jason's arm wraps around my fragile shoulder. Other than that the ride was silent.

About two hours later is when we finally arrived.

It was just around eight AM when we finally came up to a beautiful house.

"This is where you'll be living." Jason states as he pulls me to the door.
He slams the front door without Alec or Max, I just stare at him oddly. In seconds I see him speaking to someone over the mind link, I linger into the kitchen.

"Take anything you want." Jason whispers as he goes back to his conversation.
I roam around the island, snacks, fruit, goodies liter the counters, for an Alpha he isn't messy.

He placed a glass of water in front of me before pulling a pizza box from the fridge. He gives me a smile before pulling his phone out this time and dialing a number, he exits to the living room leaving me to snack.
I haven't actually had a decent meal in a while. I don't think Jason would mind... I hope not.

I take a few slices of pizza, cold pizza use to be my favorite.
A knock on the door brings me from my thoughts, it's opened, and then slammed shut.

"Stop slamming my door." Jason taunts as Alec comes in with a smirk.
"Here, your Mom told me to bring these." He states dropping a garbage bag full of clothes.

"She's had them saved since you started looking for a mate, God Bless, were all tired of hearing about it. Thank you for now dealing with him, Mia." Alec winks earning a growl from Jason, I let out a giggle.

"Let's go, you need to get changed." Jason says lifting the bag. "And you," he points to Alec, "Leave."
I follow him up to the bathroom, I change in PJ's, comfy.
I head out, following Jason's voice, deep, but gentle.

I enter the end room, he's sitting at a wood desk, on the phone, but immediately meets my eyes.
"I'll talk to you later," He ends the conversation as I sit in one of the couches across from him.

"How did you get stuck with those rogues, Mia?" He questions, I just shake my head.
"I was stolen from my family while on a run. That's all I remember." I shrug.
"What did they do to you?"
"You don't want to know." I whisper, Jason's eyes hold mine for the longest moment.

"They'll pay one day."

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