Chap. #18

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"Where'd she go? " The rogues scream as I run down the empty hall.

Where am I?

"Leave my daughter alone!" My Mother's voice vibrates through the empty halls, she's sounds hurt.
"Mom!" I scream running down another hall, this time it leads me too cells.

No, I'm not here, not with these rogues. But this is different, this isn't normal. Where's Jason?

"Jason!" I scream, no answer, did he leave me?
I can't feel his wolf, no emotions, no mind link, and I smell like my old self.
I reach for my neck but there's nothing, no indication of a mark.

Tears brim my eyes wanting my mate, I don't want to be here. I want Jason, I want to feel safe and protected in his arms.

"We meet again Mia." I hear a deep, husky voice call out. I freeze, that voice, I hate it. It sends a shiver down my spine making me cringe.
"Matt, leave me alone!" I scream turning around bumping chests with Matt.

At that moment a sharp pain runs through my heart and I crash to the ground screaming harshly.
I hold my chest, breathing hard, the pain dies slightly but still hurts immensely.

"Play- toy, we missed you." He coos as I stand shoving him back.
"I don't care, where's Jason?" I growl shoving his chest harshly, he stumbles back but doesn't quite fall.
"You're mate? You want you mate Mia?" He whispers at me as if I'm five.
"Jason!" I scream again distancing myself from the rogue.
"He's gone Mia," He starts with a chuckle and I shake my head.
"Jason would never leave me." I say standing straight, I will not let him fear me.

He fears me, I'm an Alpha's daughter.

"No Mia, he's dead." He says, immediately my heart pangs with hurt. I clutch my chest again as the hard pain returns.
"We killed him, he tried to find you. Tried, he's dead because of you Mia." I turn around to see Alex with a stupid smirk on his face.
"I hate you's! I'm not you're play- toy, I'm an Alpha's daughter I'll kick you're ass!" I scream punching Matt in his crotch, running past him down another hall.

"You bitch!" Matt screams, I ignore him I need my Mom and Dad.

"Alec, Max?" I scream but they don't answer either.

I run down a few more celled halls, until a come to a familiar one. I stop dead center in the hall looking around the hall.

"Mia?" A she- wolf says and I look across the hall, Riley.
I turn my head to the right instead and see my cell.

Untouched, may I add.

And next to it lays my Mother, beaten and close to death.

"Riley, what happened to my Mother?" I wonder getting as close as I can to my Mother's cell.
"Mom!" I shout but she doesn't move, she's still but breathing softly.

"They hurt her, Mia you need to leave! Get help before they capture you again." She says coming to the bars of her cell.

I stare at my cell, I hate it. I hate the rogues, all of them.

"There's are bitch," Matt hisses grabbing the back of my hair. I scream and swing my arms and legs trying to hurt him in anyway.
It doesn't work, he shoves me to the ground of my cell, and they stand over me.

"Now we finally get our chance to rape you." They growl together before pinning me down. I scream trying to fight against the, but their to strong. Their hands travel down my naked body, and I just cry.

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