Kapitel 28: Ixal Fleet

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"Bitway Ozrock is an unknown entity which is after the stones as well.." Explained Kanon, "he ever shown in Fifth Sector main section once to take the stone, but he left right away as he couldn't feel the stone's presence.. I can presume that he's following Saru captain to be able to find the location of the stone.."

Endou tightened his fist indignantly, glaring at Ozrock who was busy playing around in a soccer field with his team.

"I won't forgive him!" Endou hit his fist hard.

The Inazuma team had been intercepted by Ozrock at the time they entering the cave. All of the team was shocked after they knew about what'd happened to Saryuu and his team. Even if Ozrock just showing them a pair of familiar goggles by throwing it to Endou without telling a thing, but they could instantly get that Saryuu wasn't here anymore. Endou tried to keep himself from out of his mind since neither he nor Ozrock could bring Saryuu back even if he killed the green head alien. This time, Ozrock offered him a deadly match which cost his life and the world's fate. At the time Endou's team lost, Ozrock would surely kill him and took the stones. The next step could already be guessed since the green alien had told his visions upon the stones before. The boys weren't sure with what Ozrock want about the turn-back-the-time, but they didn't put their focus on it. They had no time to think about another issues, but at least by defeating the Ixal Fleet, they could take revenge for Saryuu. This time, they're playing with full team and since Inazuma Eleven team had more numbers, Endou placed Tachimukai, Atsuya and Yuuichi on the bench. It's a right choice not to set Atsuya in the game, since he would do as he pleased violently like before and it's sure a pain for them to stop him. Even if Shirou felt sorry for his little brother who was pouting annoyingly on the bench, but he also thinking the same way as the captain.

"Fuujin no Mai!!"

Exclaimed Kazemaru then as he made an opponent's player blown away, he passed the ball to Sakuma.

"Ah~ this is not fun~ Powai doesn't like this!!" A blue head girl with buns on her head with a pair of purplish eyes pouting while sitting on the ground. She'd been knocked off by Kazemaru's offense move just now.

"Powai.." A green haired boy offered his hand to help Powai to stand, "please, back to your position.. don't make Ozrock-sama angry, okay?"

"I won't!! Stupid Reize!!" Shouted Powai then she ran to the back of the field.

"You're cute as always, powai.." Reize waved his hand then back to his position.

"What's wrong, Powai?" An eagle head guy who was standing in front of the goal glanced at Powai as she's back to her spot near him.

"Powai wants to do nothing like you, Arbega.. Being defender isn't fun.." Powai whined.

Arbega shrugged then he's back on focusing at the game. There he saw Baddap was already face to face with Endou. After he kicked the ball into mid-air, he spun it and let it surrounded by a dark energy. It dove directly to the goal like a spear.

"Death Spear!"

Endou hit the ground, making an outer shield to dodge the shoot that for him it's too strong. Unfortunately, it broke the shield and flew right to the goal smoothly. One score for Ixal Fleet. Ozrock just staring at Endou flatly, didn't even care about his team got the flow upon Endou's team. Endou gritted his teeth, taking the ball then grabbed it tight. Ixal Fleet is stronger than any of previous opponents up until now. Even Gouenji and Kidou weren't sure that they could at least cornering the alien-looked opponent. Despite of intimidating pressure upon his team, Endou braced himself to push the team forward.

"We just need to get more score than them!" Shouted Endou by throwing the ball to Gouenji, "let's do our best, guys!" He gave a thumb up and a grin.

Gouenji looked at Kidou and they nodded each other. Unfortunately, before they could give the pass, Reize stole the ball and connected to Banda which gave it directly to a pair of odd twins which already right before Endou. No one guarded this twins that's automatically a free shoot.

"Let's go, Ryuugel-nii!" The black haired shouted excitedly.

"Okay, Gandales.." Said Ryuugel lightly.

As they're standing back on back, Ryuugel bit a golden apple then threw it upward, Gandales released a scream and as it's enveloped by dark aura, both of them kicked it.

"Scream of Eden!"

"I won't let you win, Ixal Fleet!!" Shouted Endou by charging energy in his hand, "Seigi no Tekken!!" He releasing a spinning fist.

It didn't really work on the twins' move and let them to score one more. Gandales looked excited, praising himself and Ryuugel for being able to score. This time, Inazuma Eleven team didn't get their moment. Once more Baddap dribbling the ball, dodging some of the lightning team smoothly then pass the ball to a red haired boy who was passing it to a white haired boy who was running as fast as him.

"Burn! Gazel! Make it in!!" Shouted Powai from behind them.

"Leave it to us!" Exclaimed Burn by kicking the ball at the same time as Gazel after their feet were surrounded by flame and icy aura, "Fire Blizzard!"

The ball tremendously flying to Endou's goal. This time Ixal Fleet could get another goal. They led 3 points already.

"Jii-chan.." Endou muttered by staring at the ball which rolled down to his feet, "we can't win for sure.." His eyes saddened.

Endou took the ball, grabbing it tight and before he could throw it, the first half was over already. Both of the teams were back to each's bench. This wasn't the right time for him to look weak in front of his teammates, but there's nothing he could do.

"We have to do something.. We have to win.." Endou clenched his fist.

"Count me in and you'll get what you want.." Said Atsuya lightly by cross folded his arms, leaning his back and glancing at Endou.

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