The Creative Writing Club

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I look at the sign that said "Enter for a writing adventure!". It was clear who wrote it. I sigh, knowing that it's better to go in then to stand here. I grab the doorknob and open it slowly, I could smell sweets and other foods they made the room seem warm. Then suddenly the members jumped out of their hiding places and yelled "Welcome new member!!"

I was surprised of the celebration, for a writing club it is very exciting. There were only three members and then one advisor. They were all very unique. The girl from the other day was defiantly the loudest out of everyone. I fond out her name was Jenna. Apparently she is the Vice President of the club. The president, who goes by Male, is a tall senior who had had blue and purple hair. She was definitely the most calm out of everyone there. The last member was a jock. He had broad shoulders, dark tan skin and a buzz cut. His name was Brandon and I surprisedly liked him. Our advisor was a young English teacher named Ms. Angelica. She was the most quiet but had a calming personality. That day was my a good one, one I haven't had in years, one I needed.

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