chapter 8

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We had finally gotten to a road and I was speeding down it. We got to a large town and I threw the car into park in the emergency room parking lot.

"Oh my God someone help me!!" I screamed at everyone I saw.

"I'll be okay Nikki. I finally told that girl. At least if I die I know that she knows how much she means to me."

"Shh. Your going to be okay." I leaned down and kissed him.

"Your going to be fine. And that girl? If you had told her a little bit earlier she would have gone out with you in a heartbeat." Fresh tears cascaded down my cheeks as four men in hospital scrubs came out with a gurney and took Benny back into immidiate intensive care. After being absolutely 100% sure that he was being taken after, I asked a nurse to use the phone. I called my dad and told him where I was. I told him about Benny and he sounded like he was tearing up. I had known Benny all of my life and Dad had been friends with Benny's dad for so much longer. This must be hurting him as much as it hurt me.

After I got off the phone, with Dad and Benny's dad on the way I just sat in the waiting room in a zombie-like state waiting for the nurse to come out and tell me that he would be okay. He had to be. I couldnt even imagine living without him. Not in an overly sappy way but he had always been there. I have dampened his shoulder with my tears more times than I can count. He has always been there for me, and I had always been there for him. How could I go back home and be without that? A nurse with a thick southern drawl finally came out and took me aside.

"Oh I am so sorry honey. That was your boyfriend wasn't it? Such a shame. Now is there any adult I can talk to sugar?"

I said nothing. Just collapsed into a chair and sobbed until my dad got there. He must have seen it in my eyes that Benny hadn't made it.

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