Part 1

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Y/N P.O.V.

With the warmth of the afternoon sun hitting my body as I layout in the middle of the field, I hear a faint voice.

"Y/N!", yells the voice from the house. Since the field is a good amount away from the house I faintly hear the voice again. This time I react by shooting up. Standing up I slowly walk up to the house, "mom?"

"Hey honey," she pulls me into a hug, holding the back of my head. "Happy Birthday," she said as she broke the hug, "have you been a good boy?" She ruffles my hair.

I reply with a small nod.

"So, how is dad?" She asks, but I could hear it in her voice that she did not really care about this topic.

Looking into her eyes, I couldn't take the look she was giving me. So I move my site of vision down to the ground. With that, I can feel the air getting a bit thick between us. After a while, I spoke softly, "He died."

Her lifeless voice spoke, "Where?"

"Huh?" I look up slightly but still not making eye contact with her.

"Where is the body, Y/N?" I could defiantly feel that she was hiding something.

"They took him," I feel weird just standing there, so I walked into the house.

She follows me in, walking right past me to the bedroom, she was definitely looking for something. With me being curious I follow her and stand in the doorway of the room. "GO!" She shoos me away.

Walking to the kitchen I cut myself a piece of my Birthday cake, just a tiny piece though. I made this cake about a few hours ago, so it should be cooled off by now. Then I lay down the knife and grab a spoon. Sitting down at the table I eat the cake slowly hearing things get thrown around by my mother in the other room.

After a while my mom walks into the kitchen, she acts as nothing had just happened. Looking at me then the cake and then back at me, "did you just cut the cake?" She looks shocked.

I say with some cake tucked in my cheek, "I did make it, I think it's okay to cut the cake, I made," swallowing and taking another bite.

"But you are only SEVEN!" She rushes over to the knife putting it in the sink. After rinsing it off she sighs slightly, "Happy Birthday, Y/N," She gives me a soft smile.

Getting up I head to the sink where my mother is. In a hushed voice, I say, "Thank you," and walk off to my room.

As I lay down on my mattress that is on the ground I can hear my mom calling people. Every now and then I can make out some words she was yelling at them. Guessing it was some of her co-workers. And that they had messed up on their job again. Slowly drifting off into stage one of sleep. I then suddenly jolt awake from my dream of me being thrown out of a window. Sitting up in my bed can hear that my mom is still on the phone, but she sounds more serious. Standing up I look out the window; it was dark, did I sleep all day? 


(552 Words) It is really short sorry. But thank you for reading, please leave a comment if you see mistakes, have questions, or just wanna talk. ^~^

Levi x Male Reader (BoyxBoy) - SNK/Attack on TitanWhere stories live. Discover now