Part 8

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Levi P.O.V.

With everyone in the car and Y/N still sleeping, I stand outside of the car leaning on it. I can hear yelling coming for the open window from 4 stories up; were Y/N and I jumped out of. Focusing on the window I see shadows moving around and hear shouting. Leaning back on the car a little more, looking up at the dark morning sky I start to think about the past:

"LEVII!!~" There is a little 2 year old Y/N  trying to waddle up to my 4 almost 5 year old self with out him falling over.

I kneel down with my arms open, "YYY/NNN!!~" When Y/N reaches my arms I pick him up and spin him around.

Y/N becomes a giggling mess, "I have missed you Levi!" 

I stop spinning him, we then sit on the ground, "really? You missed me?!" I over react to the situation.

"Mhm! I only miss you! It's no fun here with out you Levi," he says crawling closer to me.

"If that is so,"  I pause for a moment, "tickle attack!!!!" 

Y/N squeals and tries to get away, "NO, LEVI, HAHAHAHA!!"


Snapping out of it I look up to the window, the signal, it was the fire alarm. Jumping into the car, "we need to leave!" The tires screech as we turn to leave the parking lot.

3rd P.O.V

Erwin smirks as he watches Colossal  run away; his vision getting blurry. Right before Colossal turns the corner 3 security guards come around. Two of them attacked Colossal and one runs to assist Erwin. Once all 3 men were at Erwin side to help him up, they walk past Colossal. With blood dripping from his right arm, Colossal holds it.

"I thought you would have learned from last time, Co. You know he was born into the SV.C. And you can't hide the truth from him forever," Erwin says before he starts walking away. Once walking down the stairs, reaching the back door Erwin turns back and looks up the stairs to see if Colossal is following them. Then the door shuts, "he will be fine, let's go," the three men helped Erwin to the van. 

The tires skidding as they take off; one man is driving the other two men are cleaning and patching up Erwin's wound. Then one of the two asks, "What is the truth behind Y/N?"

"It is too long to explain right now. Please let me rest," Erwin said as he sprawled across the seat in the way back of the van.

"Yes, of course. Sorry Sir," he man says as he sits forward leaving his boss to sleep.

Levi's P.O.V.

Pulling up to the hide out I get out first and look in at Y/N thinking to myself, 'he looks healthy. That is good.' I reach in and pick him up and carry him to the bunker door. I then hear the car race away.

Once inside I lay him down on my bed; I then sit on the floor beside the bed waiting for Erwin to get back. With my eyelids getting heavy I rest my head on the side of the bed. 

Jumping awake I look over to my bed and see a little 5 year old Y/N. 'what? Where-?' I look around and see that the bed is in the middle of a field with a house in the distance. It is hard to see anything. All I have to help me is the mood and stars.

There was rustling by the house, I snap my head in the direction of the house. I see little Y/N running to the house. Springing up I see 2 men wearing all black coming up to the house; and in the back I see a blacked out car. I slowly creep my way closer to the situation. 


I stepped on a stick.  

"What was that?" Said a deep voiced male spinning around towards me.

"Maybe a cat," said the other male, "but come on. Our time is very limited."

Waiting for them to keep walking I look to my left. Yup, a cat. I look at the little kitten one more time before I take off run inside the house, beating the 2 men in. Sneaking around I hide behind a big chair inside the bedroom door. Hearing a little voice speak, "Daddy! Bad Guys!!" Y/N yelled trying to wake up his dad.

Groggy his dad sits up, "Bad Guys?"

"Yes! Bad Guys are coming in the house!!" Y/N hide under the covers.

His dad shoots up out of bed, "Y/N stay here!"

"Yes Daddy," he then crawls under the bed as practiced.

Once his dad saw him crawl under he head out of the room, I forgot to duck down. But it seems like he didn't see me? I step out from behind the chair and that is when Y/N came out from under the bed; running past me.

"Y/N?" I asked before he had fully left to room.

Stopping right in his tracks he turns around; looking around, "Levi?"

I walk up to him and try to give him a hug, but I just go right throw him, "don't go out there, listen to dad and stay under the bed like he has told you," unable to hold him, I contain my pain. Even though he can't see me I keep a emotionless face.

"But Daddy needs me," he runs out to the men in the living room.

"Y/N!!" I yell.

"So he is here!! Don't lie to us!" Says the familiar male with the deep voice.

"You are not taking my son!" Y/N's dad backs up to him; covering him.

"We either take him, kill him, or kill you. You know the rules Ken," the deep voiced man repeated .



(964 Words)

Hello guys, I am sorry I have not been very active lately. I have been very busy and have had really low self-esteem and see no point in posting anything new. 

But here I am. ^~^ 

I have missed all of you! <3

Levi x Male Reader (BoyxBoy) - SNK/Attack on TitanWhere stories live. Discover now