Theory Mode Activated

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Edit: I don't know why, but the whole chapter didn't upload properly. So I published it again so hopefully you can see it. 

Quote of the day: "if a girl wants to be a warrior, let her be a fucking warrior. If a guy wants to be a princess, let him be a fucking princess"- I can't remember so...anonymous?

More about the new TS video:

Okay, I'm pretty sure Virgil is one of these "dark sides". Quick side note, I don't think that these "darks sides" are necessarily evil versions of the "light sides", but rather just "dark sides" of Thomas himself. Now onto the evidence.

 Both Deceit and Virgil just pop up. They don't rise up slowly letting Thomas acknowledge them being there. Deceit and Virgil scare Thomas. Do any of the others do that? I think not.

 Both Deceit and Virgil have make up. Deceit has that snake like make up, which I love because snakes often represent lying or sneaking around. Virgil has the black eyeshadow under his eyes. Do any of the others wear such visible make up? I think not.

 Also, in accepting anxiety part 2, the title was 'Can Anxiety Be Good?' , in this video the title is 'Can LYING Be Good?'. Is that just a coincidence? I think not

Speaking of, in that video, Roman tells Virgil "You're nothing like the others". This elicits the reaction of Roman slapping his hand over his mouth. The others was hinting at the "dark sides". Was what Roman said just a tool for comfort and hinting at something more? I think not.

  Okay, I'm going to stop the 'I think not' thing because it takes to long to think of good ending questions.  

In this new video, Virgil is the first one to notice that something is off with Patton. Virgil can sense that Patton wasn't Patton. Also, notice Deceit's dialogue. It was directed towards Virgil. Deceit targets Virgil with intention. I think this hints to Deceit having some sort of history with Virgil.

There's another thing Deceit and Virgil have in common: self-preservation. That is what both of them are there for, keeping Thomas safe. I have a feeling that most of the "dark sides" will have this purpose.

Another thing, Roman's reaction to both of them. For both of them, he said something along the lines of I don't like him. Roman doesn't like the "dark sides" because to him they are bad.

Oh and speaking of Roman and reactions, Virgil's reaction to Roman saying "the dark sides". He looks kinda hurt and he sounds like he's sighing in defeat. The way he reacts makes it seem like he was once/still is one of the "dark sides".

I could go on forever, but this is already unhealthy. I have watched the video so many times I can basically recite it word for word. Hopefully, I have brought new information.

Mental Health Check In: currently crying

Okay, that's it. I'm done, bi.


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