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Sorry I didn't update yesterday, there's literally no excuse. Yesterday was one of two snow days and I did nothing. I was supposed to update this, I didn't. I was supposed to update Misunderstood (which you should totally read), I didn't. I was supposed to pre write all the chapters for the first part of An Unlikely Tale Of Two (which you should totally read, it's on my joint account, SandersSquad) and let's see, I got a total of one done. I can write on chapter on a normal day. I did nothing. My last two updates on this were pathetic excuses for an update.  I'm really sorry, guys. I know I'm not gonna get much done for the next few weeks, I have crew till five, homework to do, and three books to update. I have a b'not mitzvah tomorrow and probably won't be able to update anything. I'm really fucked. My updates for Misunderstood have been shitty and I'm really sad about it. Wow, now I sound just whiney.  Anyway, I'm really sorry guys and I'll try harder. Sorry you guys got such a sorry excuse for an author. I can't even give you guys crappy, horibly written updates consistently.

Wow, you probably didn't want to here any of this. Well, shit. I'm done anyways, bi.


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