Taggity-tag tag

17 5 11

Time for another tag. This was fairly recent, so I know who tagged me. They all tagged me for the same tag btw.

I was tagged by wonderfully amazing maximumluv2004, the super duper awesome RoseFlower08, and last, but not least, the absolutely stunning SmilleeFace11. (you're all equally perfectly awesome so please don't be offended by my use of adjectives) 

1)What phone do you have?

A rose gold iphone 7

2)Do you have a crush?

Nope. Never have, never will. Well, maybe in the future, but currently no.


June 10

4)Best friends?

All of you guys :3 (and some irl peeps but they're not important. Ow, one of those irl peeps just threw a pillow at me. Save me from them. Just kidding, they couldn't possibly be mean to me)

5) Favorite Song?

I couldn't choose. The song I'm currently listening to is Choke by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME. Great song, I recommend. 

6)Biggest fear?

Heights, I guess

7)Color of your hair?

Technically, a really dark brown, but I'm gonna say black

8)Favorite Subject?


9)Favorite Sport?

Basketball or lacrosse

10) Tag 20 people

If you haven't done this already and are reading this, then you have been tagged

Okay, that's it. I'm done, bi.


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