Chapter 10: I Love You.

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Beau, Shane, Dad, Hollie and I walked out of the court room. We all had a smile plastered on our faces because Mitch was sentence to 4 and a half years in jail. It wasn't much but I was glad he was being punished for making my life horrible.

My mum was moved to rehab two hours away. When the restraining order went through my mum had a drug test and it was positive from the use of speed. She wasn't aloud 20 meters with-in me. She was also banned from seeing Shane. After she completes 3 years at rehab she will be aloud to have meetings with us at the police station with CCTV fotage just in case.

I was still depressed from what Mitch had done to me but I was trying to have a fresh new start with Beau. No more drama. No more abuse. No more tears.

It was Dad and Hollies wedding in 1 week. Just a small wedding with my family, Hollies family, Beau, Gina and the boys including James and Daniel.

"Want to go to dinner tonight?" Beau asked.

"Sure." I smiled back to him.

It was a night to celebrate.

I remember looking over to Mitch at one point in the court room. Tears filled his eyes and he actually looked sorry for what he did, but that didn't change anything. I still wanted him to go through the same pain, suffer and depression I went through. Was that a bad thing? Maybe but I didn't care.


We arrived at a resturant called 'Hogsline.' It was a resturant that basically served anything you wanted.

We were seated in a corner booth near a window that over looked a nice river.

We sat across from each other with or fingers entwined on the table.

"It's really nice here. Thanks for bringing me here." I smiled.

"You've been through a lot lately and you deserve it."

I leaned over and kissed him.

"I love you." The worrds slipped out my mouth.

Did I just say that really? Did I mean it? Yes. Yes I did. I loved Beau. He was my one and only and I hoped he felt the same way.

Beau smiled. "I love you too."

6 weeks ago I would have never even thought of saying that to Beau with the feelings involved in it. People proberly think we havn't been together long enough to say our "I love you's" but we were bestfriends for almost 2 years before.

"Hi I'm Corey, and I will be your waiter today. Do you know what you want to order yet?"

"Uhm, I'll have the spagetti and meatballs, and..."

"And, I'll have the ceasor salad." I finished.

"Any drinks?" The waitor added.

"Can we have 2 waters?"

"Sure, it should be about 15 minutes and I'll bring the drinks out to you soon."

"Why'd you get a salad you can eat salad at home." Beau chuckled.

"Because I want to start eating healthy, loose some weight."

I wasn't fat, but I didn't have the best body so I wanted to lose like 5 kg.

"You're perfect the way you are." Beau said as he squeezed my hand.

"Here are your drinks." The waitor smiled placing out drinks on the table.

"Thanks." Beau smiled.

We sat talking for a while about anything and everything.

The waitor finally served our meal and when we finished we decided to go bowling.

We put on our shoes and went to the ally number 3.

Beau had huge feet and the shoes made them look 2x bigger.

"Oh my god, look at your feet!" I laughed.

"Shut up." Beau chuckled.

"Get ready for me to beat you." Beau said picking up his ball.

He rolled the ball with force and watched as it rolled down the isle.

"YEAHHHHH" Beau screamed.

I laughed as everyone turned around telling him to shut up.

After Beau screamed a few girls noticed who he was and asked for photos.

We finished the game and Beau won.

I stayed at Beau house tonight. Usually I wouldn't be aloud on a sunday but because of everything that went on lately my dad thought it was good if people were around me and kept my mind off things.

My dad enrolled me into counceling classes every tuesday afternoon. He wanted me to talk to someone just to get everything off my chest.

I had school tomorrow. I hadn't been in 1 and a half weeks. I was scared on what people had heard.

"Want to go to bed?" Beau asked looking at the time on his phone. "It's 10.30pm and you have school tomorrow." He tried to mimmic my father.

I laughed. "Lets go."

It was cold tonight but Beau still insisted on sleeping with no t-shirt on.

Beau looked amazing tonight, even though he was in pajamas. He was in long black pants and a black beanie - Simple, but effective.

I was wearing long pants and a jumper and I was still freezing.

Beau wrapped his arm around me as we tried to fall asleep.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." He replied kissing my forhead.


It was 7.00am and I had 1 hour until I had to leave for school.

I walked into the bathroom to see I still had fresh cuts and bruises. I tried to cover them as much as I could but they were still noticable. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail with my fringe out and I put on my uniform.

"Aww." Beau said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I forgot you're a school girl."

"Lets go now!" Luke screamed from down stairs.

"I got to go now." I said as I escaped Beaus arms and grabbed my bag.

I quickly kissed Beau goodbye and started walking on my way to school.

"You look scared." Jai said worried.

"I am. I'm scared they know what happened."

"No one knows what happened, even if they did there not going to be horrible to you." Luke added.

"If anyone is mean to you just tell us." Jai smiled.


Sorry it was a short chapter!

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