Road Trip

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Kathleen and her mother were in the swanky Ashton Martin Vantage with some boring old tune playing in the background. A frown was etched into Kathleen's face. She didn't want to be stuck in her own car with her mother driving her to her grandparent's house in Texas. Her parents had decided to make her go over there to think over "what she wanted to do now that she had finished college". Actually it was a her mother's decision.

Her father, being the peace lover he was had agreed to it to get his persistent wife off his back. She'd badgered him for days and he'd finally but rather reluctantly given in. Presently her mother was humming a tune that was in such a striking contrast to the boring oldie playing from the radio. Kathleen was generally annoyed by every sound. They didn't even let her drive down herself for fear that she might run away. For God's sake, didn't they understand that she was a grown woman who could make her own decisions?

She groaned audibly, earning an eye roll from her mother.
"You really should be happy that I'm not shipping you off to Africa " Candice, Kathleen's mother said. Kathleen threw up her hands in frustration. "Seriously mum, I'd pick Africa over Texas anyway. I'd be stuck living with some boring old people with their boring, old friends"

Kathleen really didn't mean it. She'd heard stories about  Africa. They had giant mosquitoes that sucked life out of people. She was only trying to make a point to her mother. Candice chuckled. She knew her daughter too well.
"You really don't mean that do you Katie? "

  The car came to a bend in the road and Katie gasped as the car began it's journey through one of the most beautiful roads Kathleen had ever seen.  The green was breathtaking. She was in love. Everything was looking so good that she didn't really mind living with her grandparents. A doe bounded across the woods in the distance and she could hear the distant sound of waterfalls. For the first time in the four hour journey, she smiled. A full blown happy smile. Then the car turned into a gravel stone driveway leading up to the biggest and most beautiful old house.

Kathleen could see horses and cows in the distance. A large barn stood afar off. An old truck was parked in the open garage side by side with a Range Rover. Candice turned to her daughter with a knowing smile. This was the house she had grown up in.

Kathleen's grandmother stood outside at the porch waving a blue handkerchief as the Ashton Martin pulled into the garage. Kathleen got out eager to see more of this beautiful place. Candice also got out to give her mother a hug.

"Hey mum. "

"Candice. How are you?"

"I'm good mum. Where's dad?"

"Out with the cowboys "
Kathleen snorted. Cowboys,really. In this day and age?

Grandma Elena rushed over to her side and hugged her.
"Katie, baby. Welcome. Tim will help you with your bags"

"Hi grandma. It's good to see you. "

"It's good to see you too Katie baby"

Kathleen tried to keep herself from snorting. Katie baby. How original. A red haired man wearing overalls and boots came out and shook her mother's hand. Kathleen assumed he was Tim. He was quite good looking in a countrified way.

"Hello Tim. How are you? " Candice asked.

"I'm as well as can be expected ma'am ".

He quickly moved to the trunk of the Ashton Martin and began to haul Katie's bags into the house. Kathleen followed closely behind. The house looked even better on the inside. This was going to be an exciting holiday.

Voila. And it's here. I finally grew the balls to put finger to keyboard and write. Tell me what you think please and hit that little star at the bottom. Follow me for updates on my ongoing stories. 😘

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