chapter 8

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Doom had not been flat dead, he was actually still moving. He had stretchy limbs and stood up, completely unharmed. No human could have possibly survived that. Unless... Doom wasn't a human! He stood himself up, a little wobbly, but he was alive and well! 

"Holy smoke, he's a Toon!" Eddie gasped.

"Surprised?" Doom grinned at his enemies.

"Not really," Eddie retorted. "That lame brain freeway idea could only be cooked up by a Toon."

"Not just any Toon!" Doom said in a frightening, sing-song voice. He then went to a helium tank and began to inhale it to make himself no longer flat. He popped back to normal and his hat popped off. His eye balls fell out of his head to reveal burning red eyes and a crazed grin on his face.

Eddie looked scared. Atticus did too, only Cherry wasn't sure why Atticus would react like that. She memorized that the Toon that killed Eddie's brother was exactly like that. Cherry did mostly look startled though because this face was like a face from a nightmare she would have around Christmas time.

"Remember me, Eddie and Atticus?" Doom asked with his voice getting high and squeaky. "When I killed your brother and parents, I TALKED JUST... LIKE.... THIIIIS!" 

Eddie, Cherry, and Atticus froze with fear.

Doom's eyes turned into knives to kill them like he did to Atticus's parents and Teddy Valiant. 

Eddie, Cherry, and Atticus then ran for their dear lives. Doom chased after them with springs on his feet and grabbed Eddie. Atticus tripped with Cherry and they backed up, nervous and scared. Doom threw Eddie down with them painfully and turned the machine back on to finally get rid of Roger and Jessica. 

The human group stood up and Doom removed his glued glove to show a golden anvil on it and smashed them clear on the face, pushing them back and slide on the floor in pain. Doom then turned his hand into a buzz-saw and went to slice them all up. Doom showed how powerful his saw was and cut a metal chain to scare them straight and come toward them with that wicked grin. 

Cherry and Atticus shivered with fear and Eddie glanced to see a Toon mallet, grabbed the kids and rolled over to the mallet as Doom struck the saw to the floor, missing them. Doom kept trying to strike them, but he kept missing. Eddie used the mallet to use the boxing glove, which Doom ducked under and it turned a valve to spray and squirt him with Dip. Talk about karma. Doom screamed as he was being killed and melted and was now finally dead. The dip was close to getting rid of Jessica and Roger, but it had ran out before hitting them and they settled themselves down.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna faint..." Jessica wheezed, looking pale as her husband's fur.

"Guys, do something!" Roger cried as the machine was finally making its way to the wall to break it down.

The humans dashed over. Eddie found the controller, but tried to stop the machine before it would hit the wall, but it was too late. The machine was going and going, but a Toon Town train speed over and ran it over to never be dealt with ever again. Toon Town was still happy and cheery as it always was. Cherry smiled at it, seeing all those Toons in harmony and happiness. 

"Guys, there's dip everywhere, how are we gonna get down?" Roger asked, still hovering with Jessica.

Eddie went to the fire hydrant valve and spun it hard as water gushed over to wash away the poison Dip. More fire hydrants sprayed the water and all the dip went down the drain, allowing the Toons to safely walk about. Eddie lowered Jessica and Roger and untied them. Cherry and Atticus went over happily too. 

"Jeepers, guys! That was a close shave!" Roger said. "I thought for sure our goose was cooked."

Jessica was releaved to be put down. She glanced at Eddie and Roger. "My hero!"

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