1: Off to Camp

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"You're going to enjoy camp. I promise," My Dad tried to reassure me.

I just nodded and gave him a weak smile.

It was my idea to go this three-month-long summer camp after all. I just wanted to get out of the house instead of spending my time cooped up inside with MY DAD. He barley even wears pants anymore.

None the less, I was still very nervous. I was terrible at making friends...

I doubt anyone would even like me. I'm a loser who's socially awkward.

"You're going to meet so many great people! This an amazing opportunity for you."

My Dad wouldn't stop talking as we drove the winding country roads.

"Maybe you'll even get a girlfriend," He teased, elbowing me a little.

"Daaad, Stop!" I whined. Why'd he have to be so weird all the time.

"I'm just saying, having a girlfriend could be a good thing for you," He insisted.

I hated how he assumed that I was straight. I mean, I'm pretty sure I am, but I don't know yet. Still, If I wasn't, it would make it harder for me to tell him that I was gay or bi or whatever.

"Think about it," He pressed.

"Okay, Okay! I will," I agreed just so we could drop the topic.

FINALLY we pulled up to the camp.

Camp Squip

What an odd name.

My dad unloaded my bags from the back while I took in the amazing scenery of the place I'd be staying.

((Michael's not here yet. Sooooo what scenery are you referring to? SORRY! I couldn't help myself))

I made my way to the check in which was held in the mess hall.

"Welcome to Camp Squip! I'm Heidi and I'll be checking you in today. What's your name, sweetie?" The blonde at the counter asked me sweetly. A little to sweetly.

"Heere. Jermey Heere," I informed her, still distracted by the noises and new sights surrounding me.

"Perfect!" She smiled, scribbling something on a clip bored in front of her.

"You'll be bunking in Cabin number 2," She told me.

I nodded. I wish I had some kind of idea where that cabin was...

"Before you go, Can you fill out this quick sheet?" She asked, handing me a questionnaire.

"Of course," I responded.

Her eyes made contact with my dad's and I saw a light blush travel across her face. Gross.

I looked from her to my dad. Ewwww.

After a few seconds of them just awkwardly staring at each other I loudly cleared my throat.

"Oh-uh, ya, I should probably get going huh," My dad chuckled.

"Oh um ya," Heidi adverted her eyes away and towards the next person in line. He was dressed in all black and had long, brown hair. He looked intimidating so I got out of his way.

I was eager to get to my cabin, so I quickly filled out the sheet Heidi had given me. It was mostly personal stuff like if I had anxiety or If I was comfortable in large crowds. Questions like what my sexuality was, pronouns, and other stuff like that.

I wrote my name on the name tag it included and stuck it on my striped shirt.

My dad walked over to Heidi and talked to her while I filled out the information sheet. Once I was done I decided to add my dad's phone number (For Heidi.)

"You can go now, Dad," I informed him. I just wanted him to leave so I could start enjoying my family-free summer.

"Okay, well, have fun, kiddo!" Me Dad laughed, walking away towards the car.

I gave him a half-hearted wave as he pulled away from camp.

"Now to find Cabin number 2," I mumbled to myself.

"Looking for Cabin 2, Ayy?" A boy's voice asked from behind me. He seemed to have a very very subtle Lisp. It was hardly noticeable, but I'm very observant.

I turned around to face a very short boy (maybe about 5 feet tall) with dirty blonde hair and a red streak running through it.

"Well it's your lucky day, Tall-ass, because I'm in that cabin too!" He announced, patting me on the back roughly.

"Tall-ass?" I questioned.

He was about to answer but someone else behind him spoke instead.

"He makes fun of tall people because it makes him feel better about how short he is," The boy answered.

"Jakey D!" The Short one hollered to the much taller brunette. This "Jakey D" was even taller than me!

"Hey, Rich!" He smiled.

"No hard feelings about the Cabin last summer?" Rich asked nervously.

"Jakey D" laughed before responding, "Nah! Do you think they've rebuilt it since you've burned it down?"


"Pfffft, probably not."

"This place can get so lazy!"

"You got that right!"

The two boys laughed and joked together while I just stood there awkwardly.

"Hey, Jake, which cabin are you in? Would it be Cabin 2 by chance?" Rich asked him.

"As a matter of fact it is," He told him with a charming smile.

"Let's show this loser over there then," Rich joked, referring to me as the "loser."

We made our way over to the cabin.

They seemed to know their way around. Maybe because they've been here before.

I defiantly started to feel like a third wheel with these two boys. Let's hope my other cabin mate isn't like this. If he is...this is going to be a LOOOOOOONG summer.


Woah! Guess who's writing something besides Hamilton and Heathers?




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