2: Michael Makes an Entrence

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I opened the cabin door while the two boys chattered, following me inside.

It was a very nice, clean cabin. But, the moment I stepped in I heard music. No- more pacifically Bob Marley.

I walked in the bedroom to see a boy in a red hoodie jamming (HA- anyone get it?) to the music.

He turned to face me.

"Hey-" He started to say but stopped the moment he saw me.

I awkwardly stood in the doorway while he just stared at me.

His face instantly lit up, "Hey! you're new!"

"Huh?" I questioned. What does he mean I'm "New."

"Oh-uh- It's just that I usually bunk with the same people. Every. Year," He made it sound like he hated the people he roomed with for the summer.


He gave a small, shy smile and stared down at his bright white shoes (BAD IDEA FOR CAMP- JUST SAYIN.)

"Just- good to see a new face," He whispered. I think I even saw him start to...blush?

I couldn't help but giggle at the adorable boy. He was only a few inches shorter than me and obviously had a taste for the 80's and 90's. Judging by his music and baggy hoodie that was covered in patches from Pac-Man to a vintage cassette.

He turned down the music so it was barley hearable. ((HEERE-ABLE))

"I'm uh- Michael," He greeted, holding out his hand.

I gratefully took it and shook it.

"Jeremy," I responded.

We smiled and just stared at each other. Not in a awkward 'I don't know what to say' way more like a 'You're cool and I'm just taking in the view ;) No Homo' kind of way.

I felt a weird tingle inside of my stomach, but I quickly dismissed it.

Jake and Rich burst through the door.

"I heard Bob Marley!" Jake yelled, scanning he room.

"Mikey!" Rich hollered.

"Hey guys!" He smiled and gave them "Bro Hugs" I dunno. Michael just seemed to awkward during it.

"I see you met Tall-ass," Rich commented, jabbing a thumb towards me.

"I'm not even that tall," I mumbled.

"You would be if you weren-" Jake cut off their fighting again.

"ANYWAY- It's good to see you, Micha," Jake smiled.

"You too," Michael smiled back.

"We have to meet in the yard for a group meeting about camp rules and junk in about an hour. It's always the worst part of camp," Rich groaned, throwing his bags on the bunk below the one Michael claimed.

"Yeah- that and the last day where all you do is clean, say goodbyes, and shed a massive amount of tears," Jake added.

He placed his bags on the bottom bunk across Rich'. I guess that leaves me with the top one across from Michael and above Jake.

"Oh, sorry, Jermey, we kind of always sleep in these spots, but If you want we can chang-"

I cut him off with a, "No it's perfectly fine!"

"Okay, If you're sure," He hummed, going back to setting up for the next three months.

I can't believe I was going to share a cabin with these three people all summer. I think I'll get alone with Michael and maybe Jake, but Rich a while different story.

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