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It was a dreary and misty night as I headed through the woods; the full moons light could be seen filtering through the canopy. I wasn't quite sure why I was traveling through the forest; especially at night.But it's the quickest route; I should make it to the next village by tomorrow.

I shivered in my flimsy dress; the clothes I was wearing when I was kicked out yesterday. I wrapped my poncho closer around my shoulders and fumbled for the map in my pocket.

I pulled it out and fumbled with it for a moment, unwrapping it with fingers like ice.

The mountains are just ahead; the rivers east; the forest west. I decided to camp near the mountain; I was cold and I couldn't go much farther.

I came to a clearing and peeked out and spotted a cave. I will stay there, I thought. But my thoughts were interrupted by something coming out of the cave. I darted back behind a tree and tried to slow my breathing. But the stupid curious person I am, I have to peek back out and see who it is.

I knew immediately that I shouldn't have looked.

My breath got caught in my throat; my breathing got audibly louder. As the 'who' I saw came into the light, it wasn't a 'who', it was a beast. The beast was one only told in legends and dark horror stories, only told by the ferocious of hunters. It has never been slaughtered, it has too much strength and speed, along with intelligence like no other animal or human before.

The Werewolf...

I was mesmerized by this rare sight that I leaned out further, trying to get a better look. But instead I toppled over into the clearing. The beasts eyes were drawn to me.

My legs were screaming at me to get up and run, but I stayed rooted to the spot. Because looking into the pale red eyes I had to admit...they were stunning. I was mesmerized by the beasts eyes that I didn't move, I couldn't move, it was like they were hypnotizing me.

The werwolf slowly climbed down the rocks towards me; I stayed lying down; already knowing I was doomed and enjoyed my last moment of living, breathing.

As it came towards me, it drew up to its full height on two legs, at least 7ft tall, with large back legs and a bushy tail.

I slowly sat up as it reached out a clawed hand towards my face. Its hand lightly clutches my chin, bringing its face closer to mine; I closed my eyes.

And in a slightly raspy voice, it murmured,

"Join me."

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