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My nostrils flared and I slowly turned my head towards the threatening scent. The Dark WereWolf was male, I could see that now, and he had an alpha stance about him. He stood up also, slightly baring his teeth as if telling me to back down.

No way in hell, my mind screamed, at least my werewolf side. I bared my teeth, crouching in an offensive stance. The alpha realized my threat and returned it.

I snarled and pounced in him. The werewolf obviously wasn't expecting this and toppled over under my weight, even though I was a bit smaller then him.

We grappled, rolling and snarling. Rocks dig into my back and I realized that we were in the cave I had wanted to sleep in earlier, until this werewolf had bitten me. With new rage, I bit down on his neck, blood trickling into my mouth.

The other werewolf stilled and let go of me. I heard shuffling behind me but I didn't let go. My claws dug into his stomach and shoulder.

Finally, I let go as he let out a whimper. My hand went up and grasped his neck, making sure he didn't do anything while I stood up. I looked behind me and growled.

Five other werewolves were blocking the exit. One was orange, with yellow eyes and red lines under their eyes. Another was light blue with dark blue ears and paws, and another seemed to be this ones opposite; a dark blue with light blue ears and paws. The bright white werewolf slightly stunned my eyes as they observed me with bright violet eyes, and they had several tails. The other was tiny, with soft golden fur and white swirls on their shoulders.

My mother had only told me about the Dark Werewolf; since they were usually the most powerful and were seen the most. Most of us weren't even sure if they even existed, they were just tales meant to scare children.

So I didn't recognize the any of the others. I slightly crouched, realizing the threat. Five—no, six, against one? Although, I couldn't be sure they were with the Dark Werewolf, but considering he possessed Alpha like quality's, they most likely were.

My claws dug into the alphas neck as he whined, and the small golden wolf returned the whine. I could see now the golden one was female. She dropped onto four legs, crouching to seem like she wasn't a threat. She whined again, slowly taking a few steps forward.

She seemed to be bowing submissively as she seemed to be begging for the Dark Werewolves life. I drew my lips up in a snarl, but let go of his neck, letting his head crack on the rocky ground.

He whined again, lifting his head up and clutching it, almost shaking. I stepped away, sensing something amiss. He seemed to be almost acting, pretending he was in pain for me to let him go. I didn't like this and bared my teeth to show it.

The golden wolf scrambled over to the dark wolf and cradled his head, almost cooing. It seemed, in a strange way, they seemed to be a couple. I had to remind my wolf side that we were still half human.

I slightly surprised myself from this thought. I was already so used to having a wolf side, and I wasn't gaping at what was happening. But the shock seemed to have worn off, and I was quickly adjusting, even though I've only been wolf for around ten minutes.

I glanced at the other werewolves as they twitched. The blue ones were leaning close, their heads together. The orange was baring their teeth, still crouched in a defensive position. The white was calmly swishing their tails, ignoring everyone. I hissed at them.

I crouched, my back to the wall as the dark werewolf stood, his neck mostly stopped bleeding. The golden werewolf did also, although she came no where near his height. The dark wolf stepped forward, his pale red his glimmering. Then, with some reluctance, he kneeled. The golden wolf did also, along with the blue, orange, and white.

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