Feb. 7- Song

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Today is just like any other day, except for the fact that I’m halfway through the “14 Days of Romance”. I didn’t get much sleep last night because a certain boyfriend of mine decided that after the romantic trip to the beach, it was time for another form of intimacy- not that I’m complaining of course. It. Was. Awesome. But I’m getting off point. After that, we watched movies until we fell asleep.

I wake up with a somewhat irritating pain in my back but brush it off, noticing that Gerard looks smug even though he’s sleeping. I roll my eyes and get out of bed, going to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I inspect my reflection, noting the small bruises- or as Gerard likes to call them, “love marks”- on my neck and chest. They’re pretty much faded so I don’t worry about it too much. I shrug and put on a pair of boxers and pants so I’m not as exposed as before, and head downstairs with my guitar.

Seventh on my list of romantic festivities is singing a song. I’m going to serenade Gerard and it’s going to be great. I’ve been working on this for a while and the students who helped me record it even played the other instruments, making it sound even better. That copy will be given to him later but before he hears that, I’m doing an acoustic version for him. I’m as excited as I am terrified. I’ve sang for Gerard before, but this is different. I made this song. Not one of our favorite bands, not a random artist on the radio, me. It has to be perfect.

With that in mind, I practice the rhythms at least ten times, only stopping because I see Gerard coming down the stairs. His hair is in a mess as usual, and he has on a house robe. I smile at him, Still my angel.

He rubs his tired eyes and stares at me, holding up my phone as it rings. He says grumpily, “If you’re leaving the room, turn off your goddamn alarm.”

I chuckle, Maybe demon is a better word.

“Sorry,” I apologize, patting the seat next to me, inviting him over. “Guess I forgot.”

He pouts but accepts the invitation, snuggling up next to me. He yawns, “What are you doing anyway?”

This is the moment of truth and it shakes my nerves. I take a deep breath and meet his curious gaze with my nervous one, “I-I was practicing. Um, I wrote a song for you.”

All of the exhaustion is sucked out of Gerard’s composure as he grins widely. “You did?”

I nod a bit weakly, already regretting this. “Y-yeah…. Do you wanna hear it?”

Unlike me, he nods eagerly, leaning forward in interest, “Absolutely! What are you waiting for, serenade me.”

I get up and grab a chair from the dining room, accepting my fate. I glance at Gerard’s face, covered in wonder and anticipation before looking back at my guitar. “Check, check, check,” I pretend to speak into a microphone, earning a giggle from Gerard. I take a deep breath and begin,

“All I want is you, all I want is you… I think back to the heart attack when our world seemed so brand new, I wasted time with a crooked spine when I really should have spent my time with you. All I want is nothing, all I want is what I can’t have, all I want is nothing- if I can’t have just one more second of you undivided attention. All I want is you, all I want is you… All I have now are memories of you felt lying next to me. All we are is a memory, I used to have a best friend- now just one more enemy. All I want nothing, all I want is what I can’t have. All I want is nothing- if I can’t have just one more second of a time when I was yours and you were mine, and all I want is everything we never had before, I still want more. All I want is you, all I want is you…. All I want is you, to want me, I want you, to want me, I want you, to want me, I want you, to want me. All I want is you.”

When I finish, I keep my eyes to the floor as I try to catch my breath. I look up and see Gerard covering his face and sniffling a little. I put my guitar down and go over to him, trying to comfort him. I didn’t know it was that bad.... I kinda stand there awkwardly, not sure what to do.

“Um, Gerard?... sorry, I didn’t mean for it to suck. I can practice some more if you want, I mean, when you’re not around… sorry, please don’t cry.”

He wipes at his eyes and I see the small smile on his face. He explains, “You dork, I loved it.”

That’s not what I got from it, “Really?”

“Yes,” his smile grows as he continues, “that was by far, the best gift you’ve given me. Thank you, Frankie.”

“You’ve literally said that every day since I started doing stuff like this.”

“That’s because it keeps getting better every day.”

“So you do like the song?”

He rolls his eyes, pulling me onto the couch so he can hug me. He plants a kiss on my forehead and speaks softly, “It was beautiful, Frank. I love it and I’m so happy you did this for me. It’s perfect.”

A/N: Thanks for reading! I really hope you've enjoyed it so far and that you'll like the rest too.

In case you didn't know, the song used in this chapter is called "All I Want is Nothing" by Frnk Iero & the cellabrations

You should check them out, I love them!

Anyway, thanks again for reading, I really appreciate it!

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