Chapter 2: |STALKING|

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If I could recall the time when we were together, I could explain it more beautifully. But the memories she gave me were not so of a long term basis.

But all I can tell you is that I loved her way more than I loved any other in this world.

I started feeling something very different,

something that could never be explained.

Something that makes you feels that it's your day.

Something that makes you do anything that you have never done in your life.

Love is magic a magic that is created in our self that can never be explained.

It made my life something too different that everyone pleases to have.

Our story was not such of a typical Indian types.

Neither did I like the cheesy talks like calling shona , jaaan .. Etc. nor did she.

We both were too different with some similarities with each other like we loved same types of songs, were technology freaks etc.

I loved being with her.

One such thing that love made me do was ‘Stalking’. Jealousy was the reason that made me do so.

One fine day I saw her talking with some boys of her class. It's not something new but every girl would do. But as for my side I got jealous .I felt a fire ball emerging in my body.

That day I stalked her each and every road and each and every cut. I saw that they were travelling through the bushes. Then they suddenly stopped and I stopped too. And the place where they stopped was a medical store.

Aha! Then I remembered that she had once told me that she had to buy the medicines for her grandma and I took a deep breath and relieved a handful of jealousy.

At that point of time I ran to her and hugged her tight and told her that I was sorry for what I did and would never doubt her ever again.


I don't remember too much so I need to jump!


I kept asking her but she didn't reply even then and started crying.

 I went close to her and asked her very slowly. 

Then she replied,"We have to break up”.


"They danced with each other

They hid in different places playing hide and seek

They tied each other's shoe lace

They ran after each other playing but not to please

Each and every step of life

Was taken with each other's permission

Each and every cry

Was made for each other's incompletion"

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