Please Remember
When you feel like you're breaking from the inside out,
Remember how you felt
When you were about to explode with laughter.
When you feel like everything you know is ending,
Remember the opposing colors, orange and blue,
Splashed across the sky in a glorious conclusion.
Remember that when you feel distant
And unloved by those you care about,
That they hold the same sweet memories of your quirks
And the conversations you shared with them.
Remember that every bad day of yours
Has been the best day of someone else's life;
A baby has been born, a life is celebrated, and people fall in love.
Every. Single. Day.
Remember the inside jokes between the ones you love,
And the feeling in your chest from that one song.
Remember the pride you felt after creating something,
After putting a piece of your heart into a work of art.
Remember the breeze that came through the window
That showed the beauty of the world outside.
Remember that the most crucial of memories, of life,
Are the ones that are in an unplanned instant.
Some days, these won't seem like enough,
Your sorrow may be so great that it drowns out
Your awareness of the good.
But I urge you to fight through it.
Cry your tears, scream in rage, just let yourself feel.
Eventually, it will fade away,
And you can know the wonderful things again.
It may not last forever, but one good moment
Can help fight a thousand evil ones.
Please remember.