Chapter 1- Rejection?!

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Chapter 1- Rejection?!

Savannah P.O.V

    “Fatty hurry up with our breakfast, we need to go to school” my brother Jake shouted from outside of my bedroom door. I have an eighteen year old brother and a twenty year old sister, she went travelling around the world with my parents and the old Alpha and alpha female, two years ago, these five people are the only nice ones to me from my pack, I love them but have not told them about me getting bullied.

   Today is my 17th birthday, but of course no one would remember, my parents send me money every year and give me $100,000 for my birthday. I’m from the Dark Shadow pack in Florida, sighing I walked into the bathroom, had a shower and got changed, once I was done I went downstairs to make breakfast.

    Today I would find my mate and hope he would take me away from here, once I made breakfast, I made my way to school, my brother would never take me, he was embarrassed, because I was fat, I wasn’t too fat just a little chunky on the sides.

   Once I got to school I went to my locker thinking that I’ll get to see my parents and sister today, they’ll be coming to see me. My sister’s name is Kelly, she’s really pretty. My mom’s name is Rose and father’s name is James. I have the best parents and sister anyone could ask for, however the same can’t be said for Jake, who is also the beta of our pack.

  Once I shut my locker, an amazing scent filled my nose, walking away I bumped into someone, sparks flew and tingles went up and down my arm, once I looked up I got lost into the persons eyes ‘MATE’ my inner wolf Belle said. I gasped and broke out of the trance we were in, “you’re my mate” I said quietly, but everyone had heard due to the school being a werewolf school, and werewolf’s have a higher hearing ability everyone gasped, looking shocked waiting for Hayden to say something.

            He looked at me his eyes showing adoration, but quickly changed into disgust. “Me, hahaha and you mates, look I know you’ve had a crush on me for ages but, but this is low even for you, why would I want a fat, ugly mate like you, when I can have anyone I want” he said laughing he then leaned down and whispered into my ear, so only I could hear him “I Hayden Aaron Johnson reject you Savannah Rachel Rhodes as my mates and break all bond ties”

  “I Savannah Rachel Rhodes accept your rejection Hayden Aaron Johnson” I replied, “Fate would be cruel, to have chosen me to be mates with you” he said laughing including everyone that was there. My own brother came up to me and said “I feel sorry for whoever has to be mates with you” laughing. I couldn’t keep the tears in me any longer, so I ran, the one person who was supposed to love me, disregard of anything rejected me, I knew what I had to do.

Hayden’s P.O.V

  I knew she was my mate, but I had to reject her, I couldn’t take people talking bad about it and making fun of me, if she changes her looks then maybe I’ll accept her, so I rejected her, all day I found myself regretting it, I was going to go back to the pack house and beg for her forgiveness if I had to, and accept her as my mate, regardless of what everyone else thinks.

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