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"Come one Bruce, please?" Clark begged.

"Clark, I said no, I don't want to go camping and I'm sure t he boys don't wan-" Bruce was cut off by all four boys walking out with packed bags. "Ugh, fine lemme pack" he groaned.

An hour or two later they were off, Clark driving as they drove to Kentucky. 4 hours went by. Damian was out in the back seat. Tim was on his phone. Jason was asleep against Roy while Dick was asleep on Tim's shoulder.

Bruce wiggled in his seat. Clark glanced over, "you okay sugar?" He asked softly.

"I need to take a piss" Bruce said quietly.

"Okay I'll try to stop soon" Clark said and pulled off at the nearest rest stop and waited for Bruce to come back. Three minutes later Bruce came back with donuts as well as Gatorades for everyone when they awoke.

Five hours later and Bruce was asleep. It was around midnight.
Once they reached the camp site they slept in the car till morning.

By time morning hit everyone was awake. "Change, we're going hiking" Clark said to them. They all groaned but did as the Kryptonian said.

About 5 miles into their hike, Jason paused, "I need to pee"

"Now todd?" Damian glared.

"Yes now"

"We'll turn away, pee on the tree" Bruce said calmly. Jason sighed and waited for them to turn before peeing on the tree, sighing in relief. They then continued there hike.

They got back at sunset so Clark set up the tents while Bruce started a fire and got food out. The boys went to the lake near by to swim. Laughter was heard through out the woods.

*later around the fire*

"Lets tell ghost stories" Dick said

"No" Damian said stubbornly.

"Aw come on, it'll be fun" Clark urged as Bruce got out the marshmallows.

"Fine" Damian gave in.

"Yay, who's first?" Dick asked. Bruce raised his hand as he sat down next to Clark, "there once was a old lonely man that lived in the woods, always away from society. One day a group of teens went hunting and came across this man, startled, they asked, "hello?" In which the the man did not answer. So they asked again, "hello sir?" The man stood up and turned to face them. When he did they discovered that he was covered in blood, but not his blood, the blood of a woman he had eaten. The man then killed and ate all the teens. Legend has it that he still roams these very woods, looking for more young soals to devour."

The boys stared at him, shock and dear on their faces. "Is that a true story?" Tim asked. "We'll never know" Bruce said. Roy yelped as a sound of a twig snapping caught the attention of everyone. "Just a dear" Clark assured, "let's go to bed".

Bruce and Clark went to their tent a and Jason and Roy went to theirs. Dick, Tim, and Damian went to theirs and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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