The best summer of my life!✌️

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Chapter 1: last day before summer!

Emily's POV

(RING RING) I hit the snooze button for the third time this morning. I final had to get dress and I choose my high raised daisy dukes, my robin egg blue muscle shirt,a black button up cardigan,my black vans and I pulled my hair into a knot bun. I grab my bag with my school stuff in it. I walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a pice of toast and walked out the door.

A car pulled up and the window started to roll down and a familiar voice comes from in the car

(?) Are you going to get in the car?

(Emily) Ash is that you?

(Aston) Ya.So are you going to get on the car?

(Emily) Yes please,did you pick up the gang?

(As Emily climbs in to the car )

(Julia,Calum,Michael and Luke) SURPRISE!!!!!!!

(Ashton) I tried texting you but you did not respond and so I decided to pick up Luke,Julia,Michael and Calum. Then we stop at your house and Julia went in to get you and your mom said you had just started walking to school.

(Emily) sorry ,my phone died last night and I couldn't find the charger. Blond moment I guess

(Ashton) that's ok I was just worried about you.

(Emily) awe that means a lot coming from you!

Ash leans over the consul to kiss me and all we hear from the back seat is.....

(Michael) Barf that's so discussing!!!😷😵

(Calum) come you love birds were going to be late for school and I want to stop at Tim Hortons first.

(Aston) ok. Your just jealous !

(Calum) no I'm not!!!

it's 8:30 and we pulled into the closest Tim Hortons to the school their are 3 vehicles in front of us

(Ashton) what do you guys want .

(Emily) babe I would like a large steep tea 3 sugar and 2 milk please.( as I kiss him on the Cheek)

(Luke) Ash I would like a large double double please!

(Julia) Ash can I please get a large mocha!

(Calum) can I please get large mocha too Ashton

(Michael) can I get a large green tea please

(Tim Hortons employe) welcome to Tim Hortons,I'm Stacy, what can I get form you to day.

(Ashton) can I get 1large steep tea 3 sugar and 2 milk ,2 double double,2 large mocha and 1 large green tea please

(Stacy [tim Hortons employe]) that comes to a total of $7.37.

(Ashton) Thank you

(We started to drive to school)

(Emily) thank you babe [ I kissed Ashton's cheek]. Here you guys go.

(Julia,Michael,Calum and Luke) thank you Ashton!

We reach the school

(Emily) k lets all meet here at 1:45 and we can hang out at my house!

(Julia,Michael,Calum,Luke and Ashton ) ok agreed.

We all walked to our next class laughing

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