Bullied by Nash Grier

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Chapter One

Stevie's POV: (Monday)

My alarm went off and it was time to get ready for school also known as Hell. I went to get my clothes and head to the shower. After I was done taking a shower I looked at my clock in the bathroom and it was 6:15. I got dressed.

My clothes:
• Black Blood on the dance floor shirt
• Black basketball shorts
• Black converse

I went downstairs to make a bowl of cereal. I heard a door open and I was assuming it was my sister Kaitlyn walking out of her room to take a shower. I was finishing my cereal when I got a text from my friend Matt.

Matt: Good Morning.!

Me: Good Morning

Matt: Whatcha doing??

Me: Eating cereal.

Matt: Oh....what kind of cereal you eating??

Me: My favorite cereal. Cookie crisp.

Matt: Is it yummy.

Me: Yes it is yummy....I got to go ima get ready for school...bye...ILY.

Matt: Bye...ILY2.

I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink. I went upstairs to go brush my teeth, but Kaitlyn was still in there.

"KAITLYN HURRY UP!!" I screamed through the door while pounding on the door.

"OKAY!" Kaitlyn screamed.

"What's with all the screaming." My mom said

"Kaitlyn won't hurry up and I need to brush my teeth" I said

"Okay, but don't scream too loud" My mom said and went back into her room.

I look at my phone and it was 6:30. Kaitlyn finally got out and she was wearing

• Pink Nike shirt
• Black short shorts
• Black vans

She went downstairs and I went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and put some eyeliner on. I went downstairs and went into the living room to watch tv. Kaitlyn came into the living room and she blew her breath at me.

"Gross go brush your teeth" I said

"Nah" she said

"Go brush your teeth before I hit you" I said

"Alright I'll go brush my teeth you child abuser" she said

"Shut up...we have to be by the bus stop at 6:50" I said

"Okay" Kaitlyn said before going upstairs

I looked at my phone and it was 6:41.

*3 minuets later*



I grabbed my backpack and Kaitlyn came down and we headed towards to the stop sign. Kaitlyn has a crush on our neighbors son and his name is Hayes Grier.

"Hey Kaitlyn and Stevie" Hayes said

"Hi Haaas" Kaitlyn and I said it at the same time.

Then the one person I didn't want to see is Nash Grier. Nash and I were best friends in middle school, but that all change.


This is my first fanfiction.
Comment if you like it or you don't like it. Please tell. You won't hurt my feelings. I'm sorry that it is short.

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