Is it worth it?

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Listen there, beauty has nothing to do with what you look like. Its about who you are inside. And if those people knew how beuatiful you were inside they wouldnt call you names. My point is, those people dont know the real you. The beautiful you. So dont you dare let their words get to you. Beautiful people see the beauty in everything, while ugly people try to find negativity in every corner.

When they call you names like ugly, smile, turn around and show them your amazing ass.

Convince yourself that you are beautiful inside and out so that their words wont effect you. Dont let what they say define you. You arent who they say you are. You are the amazing person that you know you are.

No matter what they call you, no matter what they say. Never listen to them. Never let it define you or be a part of you. Those people that make the others feel bad about themselves shouldnt get the satisification of making it work.

Are they really worth cutting for? No. -no one is, are they worth thinking about suicide because of them? No. They arent even worth looking at.

So keep your head up and stay strong. They cant get to you unless you let them.

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