Chapter 4: confusion

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I wake up in the middle of an old science classroom, the walls draped with posters about reality awareness and temptation. My head hurts terribly, but not like a physical pain more of a confused pain. The is a light hum of words that echoes through the room like a hiss "smiling god"

I try to raise myself from the floor but my arms feel weak, where am I? As i prop myself up onto an old desk, I try to remember last night. It seems impossible to forget but yet at the same time impossible to remember. I remember getting tea for Cecil, but I don't remember drinking, or going out again.. And i feel drunk. Also, i cant remember what he looks like. Like, I can hear him and remember our relationship but I cant remember him. All of this is making my head hurt more. I leave the classroom and find my way back to my lab in hopes that Cecil is still there. I stumble over my own feet and I become angry over the fact that I cant even walk properly. The sky is black and continues to hiss "smiling god"

When I approach my lab it is mid day and the air is silent, my house, empty of emotion and light. I wipe my eyes and walk into the kitchen. "ow" I walked into some type of glowing object in the center of my kitchen, cluelessly i turn on the lights so i can recognize the object. A cat? Floating inside of my kitchen? What? I sit on the floor, back against my cupboard as i stare confused at the floating animal inside my kitchen. All efforts on remembering why it is in my kitchen. I think back to nothing, and my mind wanders trying to find a hint of sanity within my cluelessness about this floating cat. I walk over to my lab hoping to find a bit of sanity in my work. I get out my equipment and begin to check all clocks in night vale again, the only issue is i'm not really sure what time is correct anymore. Frustrated, i slam the table "ugh what is happening, i dont understand, what is happening!?" I set my head down on the table and try to remember anything, anything about my life, "how did i even get to night vale in the first place? Where is cecil? Who is cecil?" I murmur into my hand with teary eyes. "Dont give up carlos" i whisper, "you, are a scientist"

And with that reminder, i am up and thinking more like i do, like i should. "Research, carlos." I drop my stop watch back into the sea of watches i have spread out over my table and hurry over to my cork board.

'To do:

-Feed khoshekh

-Call cecil, around noon to remind him that you love him

-Find out where the running water is coming from

-Meet the science gang over at the invisible house for the final experiment'

"Okay well, i am assuming khoshekh is the floating cat.. Which is strange because last i remembered, I'm not much of a cat person.. Im a bit allergic, but there is probably some valid reason so i will let that slide.. Uhh I guess. Nothing is really making much sense to me at all." 'Call cecil' "ugh, this doesnt make any sense!! How could i possibly not remember a person! Especially Cecil, I know i love him, I feel love towards him but i just.." Hands banging against the wall i start to cry," where...where are you cecil?" A small slip of paper falls from the top right corner of the cork board, drifting down into my hand it reads




1042 odyssey st.

Cactus Bloom, NV'

I begin to smile, tears running down the sides of my face and thank the imperial glow cloud and secret police for the gift i am given, "cecil, im coming"



Hey guys im so so so so sorry this is soo late its a bit of a transitional chapter, i can assure you the next will be action packed and more cecilos based!! I cant wait to write the next one it is just getting good. Again i apologize for the short bad chapter, its just to get ready for the good part haha, hope you are all having a great summer!

Thanks as always,


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