3. The stars that led me to you

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I smiled a genuine smile for the first time that day. My wonderful grandmother sat on the armchair eating strawberries. She looked at the door when I opened it and smiled.

"Hello beau." She greeted me.

"Hi grandma." I smiled.

Beau was French for the word 'beautiful'. My grandmother always called me that and when I asked why she said, "Because you have a strong heart that makes you beautiful on the inside and an angel face on the outside my beau."

My grandma reached out her hand. "How was school? Did you meet any friends this time?" She asked me the question everyday after school.

"Yes grandma, I did. You didn't tell me they'd be ridiculous and insane!" I laughed.

"Ahh, but that's the best part. Your friends will always be loud and cheerful so when you are down, they'll share their cheer."

My grandma smiled at me before lying down on the sofa and closing her eyes. She was probably tired from doing housework while I was at school. I dropped my incredibly heavy weighing bag on to the floor.

After eating and doing my homework, I had a break before I had to sleep. I opened my balcony door, climbed over the railing, and jumped on to the roof underneath. The last time I sat there, I left a soft brown blanket there, so I warped myself up. My eyes were glued to the stars; getting lost in the everlasting pattern of the sparkling diamonds of the night.

As I sat on the roof, staring at the stars, I recalled the events from earlier today. The thing I didn't understand was why Emily and Cara weren't so quick to judge me.

Normally people would hold their chin up high and strut past me. if they made eye contact with me, they'd look at me like a girl would look at a hairy spider. But when Ev introduced me to Emily, she was all smiles and sunshine. Emily was extremely nice and welcoming. Then there was Cara. Cara was not the type to be friendly as it would seem. But when I met her she smiled and sort of sang a song with my name in it. I couldn't help but wonder why they were so civil with me and not looking down upon me.

I rubbed my necklace. Truly kind people do great things without any intentions, Delilah. My mother once said to me. I wasn't completely sure about Emily and Cara yet, but I wouldn't trust them that fast. I couldn't. Even when I was at a naive stage; I knew not to trust people so easily, especially not after what happened with the first person I told my secret to. Trust is not something you give, it's something that gives itself away bit by bit. My trust gave itself away before, but the outcome was terrible and I swore never to give myself to anyone again.

I heard a thump that interuppted my thoughts. I gasped and hid my head under the blanket. Wait, that's obviously not going to do anything! Stupid... I stuck my head back out and looked around cautiously. To my right, I saw a boy about my age doing the same thing that I was. He gazed at the stars with wonder in his eyes. He sighed and smiled like he was recollecting memories. Just then, my phone went off. The boy flinched and looked at me. I was a deer caught in headlights. I couldn't move and I didn't know what to say. Once I snapped out of my shock; I quickly turned my phone off and got up.

"The stars are pretty nice huh?" I heard a voice say.

I turned my body slowly. "Y-yeah. They help me think. Sorry I bothered you." I said quietly.

"You didn't bother me. I just didn't expect anyone to do the same thing as me, you know? Jumping off my balcony to the roof unerneath it? So I was just sort of shocked."

"Oh. Alright." I slightly smiled.

"Here, come over to my side. Let's talk for a while." He waved me over.

"Er alright." I said as I stepped on a sturdy tree branch and climbed to the next house.

"I'm Liam by the way. Liam Thorne." He grabbed my hand to support my balance while I was on the last branch.

"I'm Delilah Eidon. N-nice to meet you."

"That's a pretty name. It reminds me-"

"Of the song?"

"No, it reminds me of my sister, Lily. Her name was Lila but she insisted we called her Lily." He smiled with love in his eyes for his sister.

I smiled. "Lily is a beautiful name."

"Yeah, Lily said that he favorite flowers were Lillies so she re-named herself in their honor." He chuckled.

"That's adorable."

"So anyway, what were you thinking about before if you don't mind me asking?" Liam asked.

"My new friends. They are somewhat on the insane side." I lightly laughed.

"I see. But are they good people?"

"I think so, but I can't be so quick to judge."

Liam and I talked for about an hour more and we learned a lot about each other. He was one year older than me at the age of 17, he played the guitar, enjoyed literature, loved his family, and just moved in with his family into his grandparents' house.

"Beau? Where are you my beau?" My grandmother's voice came out faintly.

"Oh no. I forgot about dinner! I will see you later Liam, maybe you can come to my side next." I smiled at him.

"Your grandma called you Beau? I thought your name was Delilah..." Liam raised an eyebrow.

"Oh that's my nickname for her. Beau means beautiful in French and she has been calling me that for a long time." I explained.

"I understand. That's nice. I'll see you tomorrow Delilah!"

"My full name is Delilah Rose Eidon." I added.

"I'm Liam Seth Thorne." He replied.

"Well in that case, goodbye Liam Seth Thorne."

"Goodbye Delilah Rose."

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