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Jinri and Chanyeol were standing among the crowd, while waiting for Soojung and Sehun's turn to come.

They didn't say anything, but Jinri knows she was happy.

Suddenly a guy ran bypassing Jinri that caused her to miss the balance. Fortunately, Chanyeol held her not to fall down on the floor. It was pretty harsh.

Yeah, harsh. Not the collision. It was her heart. Her heart got wild while he was almost hugging her. Her shoulder laid on his wide chest and his arms protectively wrapping around her frame.

" Hey, look where you are going!", Chanyeol shouted to the unknown guy. Then he looked down at Jinri who was hanging her head down.

" Are you ok, Jinri?", he asked while trying to get a clear view of her face.

" Y-Yeah..", Jinri was stuttering. And plus, blushing.

Even when he let go of her, Jinri couldn't stop her heartbeats. It was so loud until it would jump out of her chest. And her hands felt so cold. She couldn't even decide it was her social phobia or the certain person beside her what causes her that nervous.

" They are coming.", it was his deep voice with excitement. Jinri looked to the stage and found Soojung and Sehun was already starting for the dance.

Jinri watched them and smiled. She has known the talent of Soojung since young. So she has already expected her to be that perfect.

That made her be in awe was Sehun. She has never seen him like that. She has known Sehun for a few months. But she had never seen him dance like this. The first time they met was a week earlier than Chanyeol. If there is a theory, she would be more attached to him.

But heart does what it wants.

Sehun is nice even though he dates several girls as if he changes his clothes. He is smart. Only if the dance isn't his passion, he would make the top 10 smart students in their college. Jinri has been always happy with Chanyeol but doesn't with Sehun. But being with Sehun doesn't make her sad at least.

Though his jokes aren't funny as much as the ones that Chanyeol said, Jinri can leave her depressing heart behind if it is with Sehun.

" They look pretty perfect, right, Jinri?", Chanyeol asked.

" Yeah..", Jinri nodded with a smile. She could feel the effort that Sehun makes her happy. And now, she feel happy when her friend was enjoying his passion like this.

" Chanyeol.", it was an angelic voice that dragged Jinri out of her thoughts.

Both Jinri and Chanyeol turned to look at the voice, " Juhyun.", Jinri looked up to Chanyeol who was already stepping towards the said girl.

Jinri unconsciously bit her lower lip as she witnessed Chanyeol hugged that beautiful girl.

" I thought you wouldn't come cause you have somewhere to go.", Chanyeol asked Juhyun after breaking the hug.

" Yeah. But that was canceled and my friends insisted me to come. So here I am.", Juhyun smiled at him.

Jinri felt like her muscles tenses up when she saw them walking towards her.

" Hey Jinri. Are you ok? You look pale.", Chanyeol asked concerning.

Jinri just nodded with a weak smile and her eyes couldn't pull off from his hand on her shoulder. Just like the way it was laid on her shoulder a while ago.

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