i died for love

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the capital tour. finnick lights up the screen with her sea green eyes, smiling, and even winking at the audience. she's wearing a shimmering turquoise crop top with black shorts that cling onto her for dear life. wherever there's bare skin, there's fishnets. she looks completely different. 

"so, finnick," caesar flickerman prys. "is there a lucky man back home?" she chuckles. 

"no. but there is a lucky lady." caesar's eyebrow raises and your face heats up. 

"do tell!" 

"i'm afraid i'm not at liberty." she says with a smile, winking at someone from the capital. "but i am at liberty to tell you i'm winning these games." her cocky side is showing. this, of course, makes the audience burst into laughter. 

"so young, yet so sure!" 

"i promised a special someone i'd make it back home, and finnick odair doesn't make promises she doesn't intend to keep." the buzzer blares, and the audience groans. they're clearly infatuated with her. 

"ladies and gentlemen, finnick odair!" caesar yells, taking finnick's hand as they stand. finnick walks off stage. you click the television off. you just wanted to see her. tomorrow, finnick will be in the arena. there's no school for the next two weeks because the hunger games will be playing all day, and you're kidding yourself if you think you won't be glued to the screen. instead, you continue working on your nets; you have thirty so far. you plan going door to door selling them, trying to get money to sponsor finnick. if she isn't dead by then. you continue weaving, sitting in comfort that finnick is alive, for now, and of course, you're home alone. as you weave the rope, you begin to sing a song finnick taught you... 

a bald young sailor courted me

he gained my heart my liberty

he gained my heart with a free good will

and i must confess that i love him still

i wish i wish but it's all in vain

i wish i was a maid again

but a maid again that never can be

since that young sailer lay still with me

i wish my baby little was born and smiling on his fathers knee

and i was dead and deep in my grave

with the green grass growing all over me

there's a bird that sits in yonder's tree

some say he's blind and cannot sing

oh i wish it being the same with me

when first i met with your company

put a marble stone at my head and feet

and a turtle white dove

to let the world know that i died for love

it's a sad song, the tale of a woman placing her faith in a young, distant sailor who's committed suicide. she dreams of death while her lover raises their unborn child as she watches as a turtle dove, while her body rots underground. you continue to sing, tears blocking the notes from completing themselves. hours pass, until you have well over a hundred. your fingers are sore and blistered. you look outside to see the sunrise- you've been working since noon yesterday. you're exhausted, but manage to make it to your bedroom just in time to collapse and fall fast asleep. you dream of legs covered in fishnets. of bright eyes. all drenched in blood. finnick screams in pain, begging for you to save her. you're running. you keep running, trying to reach her. but you never can. caesar flickerman's laugh consumes you until you collapse onto the ground, sobbing. you wake up, drenched in sweat. today's the day. the day finnick goes into the arena. 

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