Chapter Two // Horror Movies Are Not For You

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Alec's POV

"She's going to need to stay on bed rest for a couple of days. She has a minor concussion on the frontal lobe and another near the back of her head. She needs to take these pain relievers every time she gets a head ache, but make sure she does not exceed 6 pills every 24 hours. Also, make sure she doesn't hit her head again, allow minimal movement and no stress, and she should be fine in a couple of days. The most important thing is that she does not hit her head again," The nurse informs, eyeing me with a tense look.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I got her," I smile lightly, trying to ease the tension. I guess the way I look and my reputation must affect the amount of responsibility people entrust in me. I mean, for god's sake, I know I've been to jail and all, but cut me some slack.

"You can take her home now, if you'd like. Do you know where she lives or if her parents are home?" I shake my head after thinking it through. I've never seen this girl in my life, which is odd because we go to the same high school, never the less do I know where she lives.

I spot her phone laying on the table and pick it up. Luckily for me, it's not locked. I open up the text messages and see the most recent one was from her mother.

mommy :) (5 hours ago)
me n your dad left the house 4 the business trip. we'll b home b4 saturday. take care. money in the card. love u <3

I cringe inwardly at the terrible spelling and grammar before locking the phone and setting it back on the lamp. I stand up from my spot on the bed and walk out of the room to see the nurse typing away on the computer. "Her parent's aren't home. They left for a business trip this morning. What should I do?"

"Take her to your house, if you'd like. She can't get around by herself and I think it's be lovely if you helped her while she's in this... situation."

I nod lightly and return to the room, slipping my hand under her knees and the small of her back and picking her up bridal style. The clock tells me that there's only 2 hours left until school is released and I relish in being able to skip school without getting yelled at. I didn't tell the nurse tha my parents weren't home, either, because i'm sure things would have gone a lot differently.

I nod to her a goodbye and exit the school with a limp and broken girl sleeping softly in my leather covered arms. I thank the gods that I drove my car instead of my motercycle today. Lord knows how terrible this situation would be.

I prop her up onto my knee like I did in the canteen and pull open the car door before slipping her into the passenger seat. Her head falls all over the place as I try and buckle her in and I wince when her hand freaks out and slaps me in the face.

Finally, I get her buckled in and drive to my house. My parents aren't home due to a vacation trip on a 5-day cruise and I thank the Lord that I don't have to deal with my obnoxious little sister for now because she went on the trip with them. We get along, yes, but she can be a little annoying when it comes to females entering the household. Normally, I don't bring girls into my house because I don't want them going around and bragging, so when I do, she praises them like a goddess.


Getting her into the house is a little difficult. It took me five tries to unlock the door and walk up the stairs without tripping clumsily over my feet, but I manage and lay her in my room on the messy bed.

She snuggles into the comforter and I smile when she exhales softly. The dry blood is still visible and I grow angry at the thought of Michael hurting a girl. What am I saying? If it was any other girl I probably would've laughed. But, somehow, my bitter heart warmed at the sight of the girl who's body was currently wrapped in my black duvet.

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