Chapter One // Helping the Loser

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Rilee's POV

Much of the day went by like a sloth climbing through a tree. Few days ever felt like they had lasted less than ten minutes, but that's just one of the few things that high school always had to offer, its long, boring hours.

Well, that's how it felt for me. I assume if you're one of the blonde bimbos that runs this school, you'd have a much better day. 

Sadly, I wasn't included in the clique.

I wasn't part of that nerdy group either, though. I technically didn't have a group. I was basically the loner in the school. I ate lunch by myself and I sat at the front of the classroom to pay attention to the teacher. I don't know why in the blue moon no one could stand me, but it was better than being picked on.

I was invisible.

My mind was currently wandering through thoughts of Wuthering Heights and eating pizza when I get home while the substitute rambles on about the Quadratic formula. His balding head turns towards the board and he writes the equation in blue marker.

"Mrs. Everett, can you please tell me what you would use the Quadratic formula for?" He cocks his eyebrow at me and I look down at the paper laying on my desk before giving him a charming smile. "You would use the Quadratic formula if you can't factor an equation," I say.

He nods his head but gives me a disapproving look. "Pay attention, Mrs. Everett," he demands, returning to the board and showing the class examples.

The bell rings right as the substitute begins explaining what a Quadratic formula looks like on a graph, and I haul my bag over my shoulder before heading off to lunch. The canteen is filled with chattering students and the watchful eyes of the teachers as I pull out a chair and sit at the lonely table.

My eyes scan the lunch room and I feel odd sitting at a different table. Some geeks took my old table and now I was sat at the table in the far left side of the room. I don't remember anyone sitting here before, so I pull out my brown paper bag and unwrap the bacon and turkey sandwich my mom had prepped for me.

I feel eyes burn through the back of my head and the whole lunch table goes silent as I swallow my food. Everyone's eyes are focused on me and I gulp when I here the cracking of knuckles behind me. "Hey there, Princess. I think you're sitting at my table," the voice says. I squeeze my fist shut and turn to see a group of large, muscular jocks staring down at me. A few girls clad in tiny clothing are standing with them and I can't help but feel small.

"Sorry," I squeak.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, 'Princess'." I let out an odd noise and nod my head slowly. One of the jocks lifts my up and shoves me, making me topple onto the floor. My head hits the floor and a burn of pain shoots through my body.

"Why does your sweater even say 'Princess'? You're too ugly," he sneers, grabbing my hair and slamming my head into the floor, warm fluid trickling down the side of my face.

"Stop. Please," I beg, clutching my head as the throbbing continues.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The voice is menacing and I can't place it passed the pain in my skull.

"Fuck off, Kane," he spits, wiping his mouth and turning away from me. Alec Kane. I've heard his name multiple times along with some stories that weren't too pretty. He was basically Gregory High's own renowned bad boy, adding to the cliche multitude of the school that we call hell.

"Michael, I swear to fucking god. I will kill you," he threatens when the jock turns back to me and pulls me up by my hair, a groan of pain following the shock of blood dripping to my eye brow.

"What, Kane? You gonna shoot me like you did to your dad?" He spits, throwing me at the wall. I clench my eyes shut to try to block out the anguish going through my body. I've yet to see Jacob, but I'm sure his eyes are pitch black and his jaw clenched.

"Say it again, Michael. I fucking dare you." My mind is going blurry and I open my eyes to see black dots cloud my vision.

The last thing I hear is the cracking of bones before I'm pulled into a black abyss. So much for not being picked on.

Alec's POV

Silence. That's all that was happening when I walked into the cafeteria. People were beginning to surround Michael as he screamed profanities at someone. All the student's attention was focused in that one direction and I shook my head.

Kids were always wanting to cause commotion. I know I'm the bad ass and all, but I hate fights. People always go over board and assume I'll kill them. Which, by the way, is not entirely true. I'd probably just send them to the hospital. I've been to jail way to many times to go again, fucking beds suck.

I slowly walk through the small group of accumulating kids and they look up at me in horror. Why must I be six-foot-three?

As I get up the the front, I see a girl lying helplessly on the floor, her chocolate hair strewn about on the tile and a stream of blood trickling down her forehead.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Michaels head turns to me and a sick grin covers his face.

"Fuck off, Kane." My blood boils at the his tone as he turns back to the girl and picks her up by her hair.

"Michael, I swear to fucking god. I will kill you," I seethe. He smirks at me and lifts her so that her feet are dangling a few inches off the ground. She hasn't looked up, and I can tell she's in pain from me facial expressions she's making.

"What, Kane? You gonna shoot me like you did to your dad?" My anger rises with his tone and my eyes follow the girls body as he throws her to the wall and she slides to the floor. Her face is uncovered and i watch as the blood trickles down her face.

"Say it again, Michael. I fucking dare you." He walks towards me and I clench my fists at my side.

"Hit Me," he demands, stopping when he's at least a foot away. I don't hesitate as I bring my arm back and launch it forward, a cracking sound following when my fist comes in contact with his jaw.

A sense of happiness and triumph fills me when he stumbles back and falls, no movement coming from his body.

"Anybody else feel like picking on her?" I shout, threading my fingers through the dark hair that's fallen in front of my face. Everybody shakes there head and I clench my jaw when I turn back to the passed out girl.

I pick her legs up and hold her under her knees and on the small of her back, her face tucking into my arm. I prop her up onto my knee and push a few strands of hair out of her face.

"What's her name?" I ask to a boy who's trembling when I approach him.

"Rilee. Her n-names Rilee," he stutters. I nod and leave before he has a panic attack from my presence. I may look a lot scarier than I think I am.

The walk to the nurse's office is short and she gives me a panicked look when she spots the bloody girl laying half-dead (sarcastically of course) in my arms. She motions for me to lay her on the bed in the back as she grabs items from the closet.

I lay her limp body on the bed and push the hair out of her face, her lips spread apart and I can't help but smile when I look at her. Her face is pale and her forehead is covered in dry blood. I sigh in annoyance at her battered body as her angelic face twitches when the nurse walks in and starts mumbling words to herself.

Now all I need to do it leave and everything will be -- "Please stay." Fuck.

I turn back around and meet the damaged girls dull, green eyes. She looks up at me with a pleading look and I nod and take a seat at the bottom of the bed.

What the hell did I just do?

Author's Note:

Hey guys !! Here's a new fresh story ... Oh god . Haha I hope you guys enjoy this one !

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