Chapter Four // Revenge is Best Served Cold

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Chapter Four // Revenge is Best Served Cold

Alec's POV

The paper laying on the table in front of us was full of chicken scratch and random drawings. We had no ideas. Chris was sleeping and Rilee was picking at her skirt. I, on the other hand, was actually thinking.

We came up with the idea to get some sort of revenge for what Michael did to Rilee. To be more accurate, me and Chris plotted the idea and Rilee refused until we bribed her with food. Damn girl eats like a pig, I swear.

"Did you guys ever notice how pasty I am? I mean, seriously. You two have perfectly tanned skin and I'm sitting here looking like Caspar the Friendly Ghost," She mutters, checking her skin for any other defects. I roll my eyes and slap her on the back of the head.

"You look fine, dip shit." She glares at me and threads her fingers through her hair, trying to fix the spot I supposedly messed up. Doesn't she realize that she's perfect? Shit, did I just say that?

"You look like you're about to shit yourself," She smirks. I return the glare and Chris smacks me in the back of the head.

"We're plotting revenge on Michael, so cut the crap you two." I stare at him wide-eyed.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! You we're asleep the whole time, ass wipe," Rilee sneers, tossing her water bottle at him. He successfully catches is and chucks it into the trashcan a good 25 feet away. Damn sports jock.

"Anyways, I've no ideas. You guys?" They both shake their heads and I crumple the paper and walk to the trashcan. "You know, some people aren't that sport-sy," I grumble when Chris laughs at me. He flips me the bird and we walk out of the library.

"I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out for disorderly conduct." I look at Rilee and let my palm meet her forehead.

"What the fudge was that for?!" She yells, slapping me in the back and kicking my crotch. Pretending she didn't miss, I clutch my private area and groan in mock pain. She laughs and I let go, standing back to my full height and she groans at me.

"Damn you, bad boy." I chuckle at the name and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Let's go get some dinner because I am starving," Chris complains, clutching his stomach. We all agree and file into my car.


"Stop chewing with your mouth open," Rilee scolds us for the umpteenth time.

When we got to the diner, we ordered food, the waitress gave me her number, and Chris and I began to bother Rilee by chewing with our mouth full.

You can tell she's getting irritated by the literally steam fuming out of her ears. We chuckle and apologize, shoving more food into our mouth and trying to eat as sloppily as possible. She sighs in annoyance and puts her fork down. We stop chewing simultaneously and stare at her.

"I don't feel like eating," She mumbles, scratching at her forearm.

"Hey, hey. We're sorry. We'll stop. You've eaten nothing yet and we don't want you getting sick," Chris apologizes, setting his knife down and wiping his mouth. I quickly swallow my food and join in.

"Yea, eat. You need food. You're too skinny," I point out. Chris nods in agreement and she slowly picks at her food.

"I've an idea!" I burst out. They stare at me in excitement.

"Well, after football practice, Michael always takes a shower. What if we switched his shampoo with hair removal cream and put itch powder is his lotion?" They ponder this a moment before realization dawns on Chris's face.

"He got kicked off the football team," he reminds. I sigh and lay my cheek on my hand.

"But, he does go to the gym right after school. What if, while he's in class, we sabotage all his stuff and rub Poison Ivy on it." We agree and hi-five.

"As a plus, we can still put itch powder and and hair removal cream in his stuff," Rilee says, stuffing a piece of bread into her mouth.


"Don't forget, if you touch the Poison Ivy, it will transfer onto anything else you touch. After you're done, dispose of the gloves and make sure you wash your hands with the tomato sauce and vinegar." We all nod in understanding at Rilee's instructions and pull on our clear gloves.

Walking over to Michaels locker, we pull out the bag of Poison Ivy and rub it onto our gloves. We rub the topical onto everything: his locker handle, his binder, his gym bags. Nothing does not have a little bit of Poison Ivy on it.

After that's done, Rilee pours the powder into his lotion and mixes it with the long stick. Chris replaces his shampoo and conditioner with the cream. When every things set in place, we sit in my car and watch.


Rilee's POV

It's only been three days every since I've met Alec, and my whole life is flipped upside down. I am now currently friends with Gregory High's own bad boy and also it's golden boy. How the hell did that happen?

We look out the window as the school bell rings, and a few seconds later, we see Michael walking out of the school. He has his back pack on and a gym back around his body. Occasionally, we see him scratch his hands and we burst into laughter every time.

We decide not to follow him to the gym, because it would be a dead give away.

Once we get back to Alec's house, we crash onto his bed. "Tell me again why we had to wake up at four in the morning to get the Poison Ivy," Chris says, yawning violently. He scratches his arm and I move away.

"Don't worry, it's just a mosquito bite." I breath a sigh of relief and scoot back over. Alec's legs are on top of my back and Chris's face is right next to mine. We probably resemble something close to the letter A.

"Does anybody have ice? I hit my head on the car door awhile ago and it's pounding," I complain, clutching my head. My brain is rattling against my skull and the pain is worsening with every breath.

Alec shoots out of the bed and yells profanities while running down the stairs. Chris and I look at each other before shrugging our shoulders and laying back down. My head begins to feel heavy and I start to feel tired, despite the fact that I went to sleep at 8pm last night.

"Shit, shit. Are you okay? Don't sleep. You're head is bleeding again," Chris yelps, picking me up and running down the stairs. He sets me on the couch and puts pressure on my head with a towel.

"Owe. Don't do that," I cry out when he pressed my skull.

"Fuck. Sorry. I forgot you got a concussion," he mumbles, pulling the towel away and softly dabbing the blood instead.

Alec runs up the stairs and then turns back around when I call his name. His face is toned with embarrassment but pushes it aside when he sees the small flow of blood.

"Shit. You weren't supposed to hit your head again," he groans, "how could I be so stupid. I should've been watching you, not planning out a stupid revenge plan."

I shake my head and place my hand on his shoulder. "I'll be alright. It just hurts a little," I lie. He looks at me in the eyes and nods. I can't believe he's that gullible.

"Here," he says, placing the ice pack on my skull and leaves to the kitchen.

I hear him on the phone and assume he's talking to a doctor.

"Hey, revenge is best served cold," Chris chuckles, tapping at the ice pack.

I glare at him and pull the ice pack from my head, chucking it at him. It hits his chest and he yelps.

Revenge my ass.


Chris you're dumb.

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