Evan You Freak (tree bros)

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Tw: suicide and angst in general??

Jared wasn't scared or surprised when Ms.Hansen said he didn't come home the night or the morning after Jared teased him for dating Connor Murphy. Jared didn't necessarily hate Connor Murphy, but he didn't exactly like him, either.

It was just a light tease. "Watch out, he might bite you if you don't follow his every command, Belle." It was a reference to Evan's favorite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast. Jared was joking.

But Jared wasn't scared or slightly worried or afraid. Once Ms.Hansen told him the news, Jared went to 7-11 and bought a slushie. He then went to the orchard Evan said he would kill himself in.

He walked the trail, sipping on his slushie. He looked at the trees and the landscape. It was beautiful. Every now and then he would call, "Evan! Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!" He would chuckle to himself every time.

He roamed the darker part of the orchard, venturing into the forest. Trees were squished together in such a cramped manner he had to look where he was stepping.

He came across what looked to be Evan, laying on his stomach. He laughed.

"Evan, you freak. Wake up, loser!" He gently kicked the side of his friend's side. When Evan didn't move, Jared groaned. He squatted down and nudged Evan with his empty cup. "Dude you hungover or some shit?"

He pushed Evan's body over so he was laying on his back. Blood traced around his forehead, and poured out of his mouth. His mouth was formed in a dry smile.

Jared's mouth flew open. "Oh. My. God." He shook Evan violently. "Evan you dumbass fuck wake up!! WAKE UP EVAN THIS ISN'T FUNNY MAN!"

He stopped shaking Evan. "Ev, Evvy c'mon man.." Jared said, tears staining his cheeks, choking back sobs. "Evan.." He broke down. "EVAN WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" He screamed. Jared was so devastated he couldn't hold up his own weight. He fell into Evan's cold chest and sobbed. He held Evan around the waist and hugged him dearly.(AN:no this isn't a kleinsen moment this is someone crying over their dead best friend)

"Evan....*hic* nooo *sob*"

To be continued.......

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