Snooping at the Cullens

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(Sorry To those people that really wanted me to update. I don't go on this account very much, I have a different one. This one no one really knows about.)

"Sure..." I said, "Great! I will have a companion again." Victoria said before she pounced and bit into my neck, all I could feel was pain, I felt like I was on fire.


I woke up, I looked around everything was so clear. I could see everything I noticed where we are, The Cullen's house, why are we here?

I looked up and I saw Victoria walk in, "Oh goodie your awake!" She screamed, She seems quite nice, "Call me Vicki" she said to me, I nodded mutely. She's scaring me more than she did before.

"Now we can look around, I didn't before because I was afraid you would not like me snooping around without you" She squealed, she waited for me?

"How long was I asleep or whatever that was?" I asked her, now she frowned, "You were asleep for 2 days, usually it's 3 days but I'm not gonna complain, I'm not alone anymore!"

"Now lets look around for clues" I said, she nodded and I went to Carlisle's study. You could see all his medical books and one that looked a bit off, I picked it up, Carlisle's Journal it read on the front.

I opened it to the first page. It read:

New Coven?
Esme (power of persuasion)
Edward (Can read minds)
Rosalie (Force anyone to do something)
Emmet (Stronger then normal)
Alice (Can see the future by visions)
Jasper (Can read emotions)


They all had powers? I wonder if Carlisle had any powers. I turned the page.


Name: Carlisle Callum
Power: Can heal any injury vampire human alike.
Random Facts:
1. I wear golden eye contacts
2. My true eye color is red
3. I told my 'family' my last name is 'Cullen'
4. Rosalie is the only other one that wears contacts. (And Emmet)
5. I had a half-vampire son called Peter. (Killed by a Vampire because he had blood in him)
6. My mates name is Gemma Strong
7. Esme is persuaded me to marry her and persuaded Gemma to go away.
8. My family thinks I drink Human blood but I drink animal.
9. Rosalie is my child as well and she was bitten a few years after I was, she knows how to keep Edward out of her head.
10. Rosalie's real name is: Fiona Jayne Callum


OMG, "Vicki!!, Come here!!!" I yelled.
I heard footsteps coming up the steps to the office. So I turned the page I was quite interested in this page as it was about me it read:


Bella Swan, I think of her as my daughter, Fiona/Rosalie has made herself act mean to her so she would leave Edward and be safe, It's not working and she knows it.

It's a good thing Edward can't read her mind cause I was thinking about telling her the truth about Vampires, DAM! Edward heard that thought and is making us leave. Bella if you ever find this Journal I wish you luck, please don't hate me or Fiona, or Emmet for that matter he has been using contacts lately once he found out about us having red eyes.

I wish you luck, I also suggest you check your birth certificate because your files in the hospital say you are not biologically Renee and Charlie's daughter. Just a heads up, I might be wrong though but just check...Ok

Well goodbye my daughter and once again I wish you luck.


Ok well that clears most things up, I need to see if I'm adopted. I hope that it was just a misunderstanding.

-------------Back at Home--------------

"Hey dad, uhhh, I have a question for you" I asked him nervously. Vicki is in the car outside waiting for me.

"Yeah bells?" he answered, he was watching a game, I could see he would not pay attention to me so I turned off the T.V and coughed.

"Am I adopted?" I asked him quietly knowing he could here me perfectly without the T.V on.

"Sit down Bells" He said, "Ok so what I'm about to tell you does not change anything, you are still my daughter and I love you...Ok, Ok so Ummm....Yes you are adopted your birth name is, Lily Anne Grace. You can change your name back if you would like. Your parents died in a car crash six days after you were born, we adopted you because our baby was born dead and we wanted a baby and your mother couldn't have any more children, that pretty much sums that up"

"Arn't you wondering where I have been for the last two days?" I asked him, maybe he didn't care, where I had been. "No, I got a text from you saying you where staying at a friends house."He said. Ok maybe Vicki sent it to him, I will question her later.

"Dad, The Cullen's left. Edward broke up with me. I'm leaving this place I just can't be here anymore." I told him, Vicki and I have decided this story together. I will leave then I just won't make it to Phoenix.

"Ok Bells, Go pack your stuff and I will drive you to the airport tomorrow." He said calmly I could see the hurt look in his eyes. He didn't want me to leave but I have to, I'm a vampire now, I suddenly felt my throat it was burning, I wanted to pounce and feed off my adopted father.

"I'm leaving now, one of my friends is driving me there, now I will go pack my stuff." I raced up the steps as fast as a human can go, I can't show him I'm not human, My eyes are still red, or so they should be, I haven't looked in a mirror yet. I don't think he looked into my eyes, He must've felt bad. Well thats what I'm gonna say, I packed all my important stuff like my photos, I will get new clothes and then I will get a new phone.

I smashed my phone against the wall, I can't have anyone tracking me by it.

Looks like it is time for us to go find some more companions.

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