Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I started waking earlier and earlier. I usually was awake before Denny now, and considering how late I went to bed at night, that also usually meant I needed a nap in the afternoon after school, but I couldn't seem to help myself. The thought of Kellan awake and downstairs all alone seemed to be a natural alarm clock for me. That worried me a little, but the allure of his warms arms was too strong. I was too addicted. I couldn't stop myself from rushing downstairs to see him every morning.

One morning, while we were waiting for the coffee to finish brewing, his arms slipped around my waist, my hands folded over his, my back resting against his chest, and my head resting on his shoulder, completely relaxed in his arms, I asked him a familiar question. "If I ask you something, will you promise to not get mad?"

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I spun in his arms to face him and placed my hands on his chest. He chuckled and nodded, smiling peacefully at me. I paused, wondering if I really wanted to know the answer to my question. "Will it bother you if Denny and I sleep together?"

His face paled but he kept his smile. "You sleep with him every night."

I jabbed him lightly in the ribs. "You know what I mean," I said, blushing.

"Will it bother me, if you have sex with your boyfriend?" he asked softly.

I blushed again and nodded. He smiled softly but said nothing. "Just answer the question." I smiled and raised an eyebrow at using his phrase against him.

He laughed softly and looked away. Sighing, he finally answered. "Yes, yes it will bother me...but, I understand." He turned to look at me again. "You're not mine," he said wistfully.

Sudden emotion swept through me. I felt a surge of sympathy for him and I desperately wanted to hold him tight, to stroke his cheek and kiss his lips. I pulled away from his embrace and he frowned, trying to keep me close to him. "Just a minute... " I whispered.

He let go and looked at me confused. "I'm fine, Kiera."

I looked at him sadly. "I need a minute, Kellan."

"Oh..." he said softly, looking surprised.

I had to stay away from him for quite a while... the urge to kiss him was so strong. That worried me. We were staring at each other across the kitchen, leaning on our respective counters and sipping on our coffees, when I heard the shower start running. I glanced up to where the bathroom was at and then back down to Kellan. He had an odd look on his face. I couldn't even begin to place it. Eventually, I finished my coffee and putting my hand across his arm, I set down my mug. He looked down at me when I touched him and my breath caught at the look in his eye. Forcing it back, I gave him a quick squeeze and then made my way back upstairs to where Denny was getting ready for work.

Denny smiled when he came back from his shower to find me sitting in bed. "Hey, good morning," he said warmly as he kissed my cheek.

I smiled softly, but I was still thinking about the conversation Kellan and I had just had downstairs. Denny sat down next to me, still just wrapped in a towel. He looked over at me with a goofy grin. That made my smile wider. Then he frowned and I did too. "I'm probably going to be late tonight."

My heart dropped a little. "Oh...why?"

He sighed and stood back up to get dressed. He tossed his towel on the bed and I watched him with a small smile on my lips. Noticing my attention, he sighed again. "I wish I had more time with you," he said wistfully. I looked away and bit my lip while he laughed softly. "Max. He's got me finishing this project for him that apparently his uncle wanted today, but he was too busy escorts, over the weekend to do it himself."

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