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Chan had been jittery since arriving back at the table after the incident in the bathroom with Soonyoung. He was constantly worried that someone would find out what happened, and he was confused and scared about Soonyoung's actions, not knowing if he had feelings back for him or if he was simply messing around with him. So, it came as no surprise that Chan ended up having a nightmare that night. 

It took him a while to fall asleep and, when he finally did, it wasn't a very peaceful sleep. He tossed and turned, sweating and panting. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to wake up from the nightmare he was having. He was still asleep when he stood up out of bed. When he blindly stumbled out the bedroom, down the hallway, bumping into the walls clumsily, and into the room where the three leaders (Sungcheol, Jihoon and Soonyoung) slept. 

He was still asleep when he approached the bunk bed that held a soundly asleep Soonyoung on the top bunk and an even sounder asleep Jihoon on the bottom bunk. It's a wonder how he managed to climb the thick-runged ladder in his sleepy daze, but somehow, he made it safely to Soonyoung's bunk.

Soonyoung, being a rather light sleeper, awoke almost immediately, feeling the mattress sink with the young boy's weight. He rubbed his eyes and was surprised to make out the form of the youngest boy in their group from the dim moonlight shining in through the gap in the window curtains. 

"Chan?" he whispered, his voice hoarse from sleep. "What are you doing here?" His heart almost missed a beat upon hearing the small whimpers coming from the younger boy, sounding almost like cries. A wave of worry washed over Soonyoung and he quickly asked, "Are you okay??" 

Chan didn't respond, (he was asleep, after all,) but instead, answered by crawling  closer to Soonyoung and laying down next to him. Soonyoung could swear he could feel his heart melting. He didn't hesitate to move over to make room for the shorter boy and pull the covers over him. His arms automatically wrapped around him from behind and he rested his head in the crook of Chan's neck. 

"Baby, did you have a nightmare?" Still being asleep, Chan didn't answer, but feeling Soonyoung's arms around him, his breathing slowed and he shifted closer to his hyung's warm body, moving his hands on top of the other's. Soonyoung smiled softly as he took Chan's cold hands in his warm ones and rubbed circles into his skin. He had realized by this point that Chan was asleep, but, nonetheless, he found it adorable that Chan had instinctively came to his room when he had a nightmare. 

Soonyoung had never felt anything as perfect as having Chan in his arms. They were like two puzzle pieces that fit together flawlessly. Soonyoung didn't know what Chan's feelings were towards him, but he most certainly knew how he felt for the small boy currently sleeping peacefully in his arms. He loved him more than he could even comprehend, in so many ways. 


A/N: I know this chapter was incredibly short but I had some extra time to write and some inspiration so I decided to add this. The next chapter will be much longer and it will come soon, don't worry~

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