How you meet

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Alexander Hamilton

You were looking through the many books that lined the bookshelves before you. Your newest friend, Peggy, told you about this amazing novel called 'Psycho'. Although you've only been friends for a few weeks, she's learned almost everything about you. Peggy recently found out my love for reading and has been talking non-stop about the many books Eliza's ex reads. He sounds interesting, but I haven't spoke to Eliza about him. After a while, you found the novel you were searching for. 'Finally!' You thought. You hear a low grunt and turn your head to spot a man, a bit shorter then you, attempting to reach for a book. The book was named 'Fall From Grace'. "Uh, do you need any help?" You ask kindly. The man glances at you before going back to reaching for the book. 

"No! I got it." After a few minutes of the man failing to grab the novel, he lets out a sigh of defeat and slowly turns to you. 

"Actually, I could use your help." You smile before reaching for the book and giving it to the male. 

"Thanks. I'm Alexander by the way." The man, now known as Alexander, introduces himself. 

"I'm y/n." You extend your hand for a handshake. Alex gladly accepts. A loud voice shouts, "Hamilton, we're leaving!"

"I'm sorry. I have to leave. Goodbye y/n!" Alex waves as he walks off.


Your childhood friend, Thomas Jefferson, dragged you to France. He wanted you to meet this guy named Lafayette. At the moment, you and Thomas were chilling in an expensive looking hotel room. Lafayette was on his way. A knock interrupted Thomas' phone call. 

"Sorry James. I'll call you back later."

"Hope you get better James!" you shout, since Thomas had James on speaker. James chuckled and said goodbye before hanging up. Thomas walked over to the door and looked out the peephole. A grin found its way onto your friend's face as he opened the door and hugged whoever was at the door. 

"Laff!" 'Oh, it must be Lafayette.' You smile and walk over to the two. The first thing that comes to mind is how similar Thomas and Lafayette look. Thomas pulls away and puts an arm around your shoulder. 

"Laff, this is my childhood friend, y/n." Lafayette looks at you and completely freezes. Laff's cheeks turn light shade of pink. "Um, are you ok?" You ask. Lafayette blinks for a bit before saying, 

"Oui! I'm fine. Sorry."

"It's ok. Would you like to come inside?" Lafayette nodded. You and Thomas let the frenchman in.  The three of you ended up watching 'Fist Fight'.

Hercules Mulligan

You wanted to find a decent tailor nearby. You wanted a dress/tux similar to this

 You wanted a dress/tux similar to this

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