Chapter 29

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(Mark's P.O.V.)

It's been about three hours since I watched Jack get on his plane to go back home. After the little freak out in the closet, I walked him back to security and stayed until he texted me with a "taking off now! love you!" and that was that. I'm just now getting home, thanks to traffic and going to an ice cream parlor to drown away my sorrows. Although I know we'll call and Skype all the time, I can't help but feel depressed when he isn't here. Dark is silent, which helps nothing because it just makes me feel even more alone. 

I walk into the living room, kicking off my shoes and flopping onto the couch. I start flipping through TV channels, ending on some stupid cartoon that I honestly could care less about. I just need background noise, something to distract myself from Jack. He's become a lifeline for me, something I need to stay alive like a hospital patient needs medicine. He's the sunshine in my day, and without him everything is just gloomy and rainy and grey. 

It's not worth it without him, because he is my everything. And that sounds really dependent, but after years of knowing him and having him here by my side, I don't know if I legitimately could survive without him. He's my perfection, my love, my life. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by my phone ringing, and when I look at it I'm shocked to see that it's Felix. I frown, to caught up in my own sadness to answer. I drop my phone back on the couch, letting it go to voicemail. Only to get called again. And again. And again. And finally I answer, Felix's calls getting annoying. 

"What is it Felix?" I ask, and his tone is both rushed and sad. 

"Change your channel to the news right now." And then he hangs up, making me only more concerned. I huff, grabbing the remote and quickly flipping through to a news channel seeing a "breaking news" report. Immediately I'm paying attention to the news lady on camera, who looks quite nice but the normal smile is gone. I notice that behind her is what looks like a wreck of some sorts in the middle of nowhere, many officials walking around. 

"Thanks Jim. Right behind me is the wreck from the plane crash that happened only half an hour ago. We're currently standing in a small open field in Colorado, in front of the plane crash from flight number 317." 

My eyes widen as I recognize the number, my breath hitching as I listen to the woman. 

"This flight was supposed to land in Ireland tomorrow, however the plane crashed due to what officials are expecting to be an engine failure. So far only four have been pronounced dead, one being the pilot. Another one has been identified as internet sensation Seán McLoughlin, better known as Jacksepticeye on YouTube." 

I drown out her words in my own tears, watching as a picture of Seán shows up in the corner, smiling with that bright glint in his blue eyes that I love so much. I sit there, sobbing, staring at the picture until it disappears and yet still looking in that spot even after it's gone. I don't hear the sound of the door opening, I don't hear the sound of my friends footsteps, I don't hear their comforting words. 

All I hear are my sobs and the distinct memory of the last time Seán said "I love you", because unbeknownst to me that was the last time he'd ever say those words to me. I remember our last kiss, our last hug. And I sob harder, knowing that I will never get that again, because he's gone. Taken by a cruel trick of technology, he is gone forever. And all I want is for him to come back.

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