Chapter 23

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(Jack's P.O.V.)

I feel someone shaking my shoulder, causing me to just roll over in the bed so my face is in the pillow.

"No." Is all I say. The person laughs at this and I smile, recognizing the laugh. "I love your laugh." I say, rolling over again, eyes now open. I look at Mark, who's leaning over me. He smiles and laughs, but not his laugh.

"Like that?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"That is not how you laugh." I say. He narrows his eyes.

"Then how do I laugh?" He asks. I inhale a bit, doing an impression of his laugh. Everyone on YouTube tells me I do a perfect impression of his laugh. Mark starts laughing at his, actually laughing and then covers his mouth. "That's not how I laugh." He says, still laughing a bit. I can't help it and I start laughing too. Once we both calm down however I look over at the clock.

"Mark why the hell are you getting me up at 8AM?" I ask. He puts his hand in mine, though it's my broken, casted hand.

"Time to get this taken off." He says. My eyes widen.

"Fudgen finally!" I say, practically jumping out of bed. In the process of jumping out of bed I push Mark out of my way, causing him to fall off the bed and onto the floor. I freeze. He stands, staring at me.

"Really?" He asks. I shrug. He just shakes his head laughing. There are times I'm okay with not having a guest room. I continue rushing around the room, grabbing jeans and a clean shirt. I change out of my pajama pants, into the jeans and clean shirt, and then I walk back into my bedroom, where Mark is already waiting for me, dressed and all.

"You're kinda slow." He says. I scoff.

"Says the guy who takes five minutes to do their hair." I say, which isn't really an insult considering I take three minutes. I never understood Mark's "the floof never listens" thing until I dyed my hair and got a floof of my own. Now I take the longest I ever have in doing my hair in the morning. Long story short, it isn't often I tease Mark about his how long it takes him to do his hair.

"Whatever, let's just go. The appointment is in, like, ten minutes." Mark says, chuckling. I grab my hat.

"Then what are we waiting for? Cause it's certainly not me!" I yell, running towards the door, and when I say this I mean literally running. I stop at the door, waiting patiently (kind of) for Mark. He walks up to the door and holds up the car keys.

"And we're off." He says, opening the door.


"Alright Sean, it looks like your hand is healed up perfectly." Dr. Selvig smiles, putting the cast on his desk. I start moving my hand and fingers, which are incredibly stiff, but it feels good to be able to move my hand again.

"Thank you." I say, smiling as well. The past three weeks have been terrible. I would say torture but... Having experienced torture before I don't think I'm ever gonna use that expression again. And I'll probably correct a lot of people if they use it. I might have to work on that...

"Yeah, seriously. Thank you." Mark smiles as well, holding my hand behind my back so Dr. Selvig doesn't see. Dr. Selvig smiles as well.

"Well you're welcome Sean, Mark. I hope that you two enjoy the rest of your week." He says, and exits the room. I look up at Mark and he looks down at me, seeing as I'm sitting down and he's standing.

"Well? Over and done with, no more cast." He says, chuckling. I nod.

"Thank god." I say, laughing a bit. I look over at the cast on the desk. I get up from my seat, walking over (and dragging Mark with since he refuses to let go of my hand). I pick up the cast, staring at it. Or more specifically, the drawing that's on it. I look around. There. I pick up the medical tape and I tape the cast back together, so it's in the same shape it was on my hand. Mark laughs.

"What are you doing?" He asks. I look at the cast, the fully reformed cast. I smile.

"I want to keep it." I say. He puts his head on my shoulder.

"I thought you said you just wanted the drawing." He says, still questioning me. I nod.

"Originally yeah, but... I don't know, I just want to keep all of it." I say, nodding slightly. Mark doesn't argue, just nods and agrees silently. "I've kept a lot of stuff from our time together." I chuckle, smiling a bit. He looks at me with narrow eyes and a smile.

"Like what?" He asks. I smirk a bit.

"You'll see sometime." I say, making him roll his eyes.

"Sure, be all secretive. Ugh." He says, crossing his arms and looking away. I chuckle, trying to fake a frown.

"Markimoo! Don't be like that!" I say, giving him a hug. He still just looks away, arms crossed. However that doesn't last long once I put my lips to his. He kisses back immediately, putting his hands on my waist. It only lasts a couple seconds before I pull away, mainly due to the fear someone will walk in.

"Let's go home?" I ask. He nods.

"Let's go home." He says quietly and hand in hand we walk out of the room.

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