Like This

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What suprises me the most is Lukas' family is nothing like Bo. Bo is a horrible person his aunts and uncles know exactly who I am because Lukas apparently told them.

Lukas' aunts son is gay and they obviously accept him for who he is. After all that's how parents should be.

Lukas woke up this morning and I haven't seen him and it's 5:00 pm now. He said he 'doesn't want me to see him like this'

I think it's bullshit. I've seen him in his worst moments.

I'm sitting on the bench right now outside of Lukas' room crying still I just can't believe he said that honestly. Rose appears in front of me.

"I told Lukas you were crying, and he agreed to let you see him." She says rubbing my back, pulling me to my feet.

Agreed? Is he fucking serious?
I'm trying to understand here, but I just can't. I can't imagine what'd going through his head right now on top of all the pain I know he's feeling.

I stand up and I wanna see him but I want him to want to see me and not only because I'm crying.

"No, it's okay. If he doesn't wanna see me then it's his choice." I say sitting back down wiping the rest of my tears away.

Rose walks back into the room, I assume she's telling Lukas what I said and I'm starting to understand maybe why he doesn't wanna see me because of how I was the last time we spoke and how he told me he loves me, if he even remembers.

I'm interrupted by thoughts as Gabe approaches me.

"Kid, you gotta stay off that knee I know you re injured it and they wrapped it again. Just, relax Philip." Gabe says handing me my crutches.

For a second I completely forgot about the ache in my knee because of everything that's been happening with Lukas and just dealing with everything.

"I know, thanks." I say and honestly I just wanna go home and get some rest if that's gonna make me feel less shitty about myself.

Rose walks up to me again. "He said he wants to see you, and he's sorry for making it sound like he didn't." She says walking back into the room.

I see she was about to pull me up and drag me with her but she noticed my crutches. I'm positive she'll ask me about it later.

I get my crutches, and I push the door open to Lukas' room to find him staring at the door waiting for my arrival. I look back at him and I can't smile as much as I want to but not under these circumstances.

"There's a chair over here." Lukas says motioning me over to the chair seated next to him. I go over there horrifcly almost falling twice but I manage to keep myself steady.

I sit down and he grabs my hand immediately in front of his family is the part that really shocks me.

"Okay, I don't want you think that I didn't wanna see you — I — I really wanted to see you, just..... not like this." He says motioning to his bandage covering up his wound.

I can't believe he really thinks that I wouldn't wanna be with him just because he got shot.

"You still wanna be together don't you?" I ask quietly almost whispering so that only the 2 of us can hear. Just in case he rejects me no one would've known.

"Yes of course," he says holding my hand tighter.

"Then that's all that matters right?" I say not crying at all anymore. I don't have any tears left.

"Yea — my dad's really pissed off and I don't know what to do about it." He says playing with my fingers.

"Why? Isn't it more important that you're alive?" I ask seriously.

"That's what I've been trying to tell Bo. But it all comes in one ear and out the other. He doesn't care that his son was almost killed rather than who his son chooses to be with." Lukas' aunt says

"And Philip you're adorable and you're really sweet. Bo should be lucky Lukas found someone like you." She finishes making me blush.

"Isn't he?" Lukas agrees making me blush even harder.

"So, I'm taking it your dad was an asshole about this?" Rose asks us coming a little closer.

"Asshole is an understatement." Lukas says picking up his glass of water. Barely taking a sip of it before sitting it back down.

"So, what are you gonna do when you get out Lukas?" Rose says again

I wish he could come live with me. Wait, can he? No Helen and Gabe wouldn't allow it. Or maybe they would.

"You could come live with us." Lukas' aunt suggests.

That immediately makes my heart sink. I think Lukas can sense that I would hate that with all my heart and that would absolutely crush me.

"Or maybe Helen and Gabe would allow you to stay there until your dad comes to grip with all of this. Just know you're always welcome with us, Lukas." His aunt says again

She's such a sweet lady I can't believe Bo is related to her. I can't picture bo being related to anyone that's nice.

"Thanks guys. I'll figure it out." Lukas says closing his eyes presumably to go to sleep.

"You want us to go?" I whisper to him. Everyone else already filing out of the room.

"I wanted them to go. That's why I did the whole fake sleep thing." Lukas says laughing a little bit but winces when he moves too hard.

"Hey, you should take it easy." I say steadying a little bit.

"Do I really have a choice?" Lukas says I see that it kind of upsets him that he can't move like he used to until he's all healed up and that must suck.

But no. He doesn't really have a choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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