Chapter 2

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Kylo Ren's six knights ascended in unison, their arms tucked to their sides in rhythm and their weapons held in their respective holsters and sheaths. He eyed each one head to toe. Always to the left of the line was the Sniper, who like the name suggested, was a poet with a long-range blaster. This particular Knight's helmet reminded Kylo of a boar, featuring what looked like an animalistic snout and a pair of stubby tusks. The mouthpiece also had a likeness to Darth Vader's respirator, unquestionably an intentional design choice. A firm fabric was draped over their right shoulder, and an attached strap ran across their pectorals, reaching their other shoulder where two smoke canisters sat in pockets beside one another. Their robes had been similar to Ren's but much thicker, likely due to the armor the marksman wore beneath them.

Second to the left was a knight referred to as the Heavy. They wore almost identical robes to the Sniper except they were equipped with even more armor underneath, and rather than smoke grenades, this Knight bore Thermal Imploders or something of the nature in his shoulder pockets. Their helmet had been the most damaged of them all, featuring more dents, scratches, and battle scars than one could count. Their tunic featured a hood; however, at the moment, they chose to keep it down. They brandished a heavy blaster that had a matte black finish but had eroded over time to a less pristine, rugged and ancient look.

Beside that Knight was the Armory, a personality who didn't wear a cloak like the rest, as they felt it would only impede his performance out on the field. Instead, they wore only their tunic which was covered in belts and straps at every angle, their purpose to carry a plethora of tactical weaponry. From grenades and other explosives, to a pair of blaster pistols and other militaristic gear. The Armory certainly lived up to their name. On their back was their primary weapon, a baton longer than most that glowed a bright crimson and delivered an electrical shock from one end. On the other end was a blunt, ovular mass of metal that could break bone even with the lightest of swings. Their mask seemed similar to Vader's but far more twisted and malformed in its design.

Fourth in line was the Monk, the most perplexing of the six. Soft-spoken, composed, seemingly always in a realm of concentration. Arguably the strongest of the Knights (besides Kylo of course) in the Dark side of the Force. They carried a staff that featured the head of an axe at its tip. The other Knights sometimes mocked them over its length, claiming it only hindered their range of motion in combat but Kylo knew better than to believe in such an assumption. He'd seen the Monk in their element first hand, on missions they were a force to be reckoned with. Their helmet had an eerie, skeletal resemblance and its metal had slightly more of a shimmer than any other.

Beside the Monk stood the Paladin, a Knight who donned a lightweight armor with a thick, hooded cloak over it. They wielded a massive blade, lengthy and wide, one that could certainly split even the thick meat of a bantha in half with just a couple overhead swings. This ones helmet was slightly more triangular in shape than the others, featuring small eye slits and what looked like and exposed voice box at the mouth. Not much else could be said about the Paladin's garb, being the majority of it was concealed by the large poncho that draped over his torso down to his ankles.

Lastly, there was the Rogue, a Knight of Ren whose moniker certainly fit well. Kylo was well aware of this Knights disdain towards him and took note of it, only acting oblivious. Arrogant and narcissistic, Ren saw in them a lot of his past self, prior to the destruction of Starkiller Base. The Rogue donned all black robes, specifically designed to contrast that of typical Jedi attire. Their helmet was almost identical in shape to The one Kylo once wore but this one featured a unique metallic plate over the mouth region, decorated with a symmetrical grid pattern that was so visually appealing.

Ren had still been eyeing the Knight when he realized their signature dual daggers had been missing from their belt scabbards. Instead, his eyes caught the familiar shine of a chrome finish, the chrome finish of a lightsaber. One that, by the looks of it, had been constructed to resemble the iconic hilt that belonged to Lord Vader. Ren's cold gaze shifted into a flutter of confused blinks and eye movements. His lips smacked as he tried to compose himself.

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