Chapter Seven

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I shouldn't be too surprised. By this nephew of mine. After all, he is the child of my brother, in fact, we should all probably be grateful that he isn't the kind of child that my brother was when he was young. I remembered the stories of what my mother had told me of my brother when he was a young child before I was born.

He was a smart kid, no doubt about that. And it was because Alex is my brother's kid that I knew he would be fine. Shaking my head, I looked over at our next stop, which was the temple of Abu Simbel. We found our next clue there, before flying back out.

"That's the Blue Nile down there." Rick pointed out as we flew over the river. "We must be out of Egypt by now."

"In ancient times, all this still belonged to the upper kingdom." Evy commented, which I had already knew about all of that history. "Which means the oasis must be somewhere around here." I murmured. I looked at Evy's face.

"As clever as he is, we'll find him."

All of a sudden, I heard what sounded like a rumble, similar to water, and as I allowed my eyes to wander over the horizon, my back to the others, my eyes widened. "Allah almighty." I murmured, taking a few instinct steps back.

"We're in trouble!" Izzy yelled, as he saw what I was seeing. Then we saw Imhotep's face in the water.

"Horus, fly!" Ardeth let the hawk fly off.

"Izzy, come hard right! Starboard! Starboard." Rick yelled at him, then we all braced for impact when made that hard turn. Then we got tossed to the other side. Then it seemed like we got away from him, as well all stood up.

"Something you forgot to mention?" Izzy panted, getting ahold of himself.

I looked at Jonathan, and then to what he was looking at. "Uh, people?" He voiced.

"Ahm Shere." I murmured softly as the others turned around.

"Right." Rick said, before we heard another rumble and turned back to look at what made that sound. We hadn't lost Imhotep.

"He's back." Izzy almost complained. "Hang on!" He yelled to us, as Ardeth took a hold to me so I wouldn't fall off.

"Well, that's not good." I heard Izzy say before the dirigible completely stop.

"Hang on!" Rick yell out as the water hit us in full force and we went down. Once we landed, there was smoke everywhere, and I shakily stood up.

"Are you okay?" Ardeth asked as I nodded.

"Yeah." With his help, I climbed off the dirigible. "This is why I don't like flying."

"We're going to get my son. Then we're gonna wanna get out of here fast, so make this work Izzy." Rick said as he and Ardeth started handing us the bags and supplies off the dirrgible.

"No, no, you don't understand, goddamn it. This thing was filled with gas. Not hot air. Gas." He said. "I need gas to get this thing off the ground." He looked at Rick. "Where am I gonna get gad from around here? Huh?" He shook his head. "Bananas? Mangos? Tarzan's ass?"

"If anybody can fill this thing up with hot air, Izzy, it's you."

I put my bag over my shoulder, and started to follow my brother as Ardeth called for Horus and sent another message, then he took up the rear.

"So Rick, what's the plan?" I heard Jonathan ask from behind me.

"Let's find some higher ground."

It wasn't even five minutes later before we heard a gunshot. I knew instantly what it was. Ardeth did too. Because he turned around. "Horus!"

Then he turned back to us. "I must go."

"Where?" Rick walked back over to him.

"I must let the commanders know where we are."

"You can't go."

"If the Army of Anubis arises..."

"I need you to help me find my son."

The three of us watched the transaction, waiting to hear what he would say. He nodded after a few moments. "Then first, I shall help you."

"Thank you."

They went up to the front of the line and he looked at me and touched my shoulder as we all got moving again. We were getting so close now.

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