
17 1 0

Tom is soooooooooooo cute OMG
Like i cant even. And know i am sounding like a teenage girl heh...

Tord snapped out of his thoughts
As he heard a boy Yell his name.

Tom yelled Running to tord.
Tord turned around to see A boy... Tom. Tord was shocked. He wasn't Exspecting this.
Tom came to a stop standing right in front of Tord. Dazing into his eyes.

Uh yes? Tord said
Hey sorry if i sounded heh... Tom looks down on the ground and started playing around with his fingers.
Rude... Tom finnished
Oh uh.. I didn't think you sounded rude!
Tom looks up from the ground and stares at Tord agian
You didn't? I Even tho-
Tord stopped Tom from speaking when Tord lifted his finger and touched Toms lips lightly. Tom blushed a bit.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh It's fine Tord said with a smile on his face. Tord put his hand back next to his side.
Tom was frozen
I- I- uh- a-
tom stutterd trying to peice together words but Having trouble doing so. He didnt know what to say. Its like all the words were scrambled.
Tord Just smiles
You dont need to say anything. Its fine! Tord said
Tords smile Made Tom Blush. Tom was just Stuck. Frozen. He began to have butterflys Flying around in his stomach.
Tord breaks the silence While saying 3 simple words
"Wanna come over?"
Oh- uh- sure! Tom said
Ok great!
Tord grabbes Toms Hand and walks to Tords house. Nothing much really since they are Right next to eachother.
Tom said nothing. Not letting go of Tords hand and just walked. Followed. Tom could feel a bit of heat on his cheeks. He was blushing. He looks at Tord. Tord seems happy. He's Smiling. He can see a faint Blush on Tord though.
Heya guys!
Agian sorry for not posting in awile.
Alot has been happening
Friend problems
and I'll stop there
But anyway alot has been going on. And i hope this is a good chapter. And i hope you enjoyed!
Agian i will try and post more!
Also sorry if my spelling is off or somethin like that Its currently 11:01 PM and i should be in bed but i decided to do this. And uh..... nvm im starting to ramble.
Oh! And this chapter is longer like i said! Hope u are happy about that. Know im just gonna shut up know xD

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