He's Happy

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Tord let go of Toms hand and opened the door to Tords home.

Tom just followed Tord in and looked.

This is my room. Tord openes a red door. Tom sees a bed with red sheets lots of boxes a closet with the door half open from what he can see theres alot of Red hoodies and the walls are plain old white and theres a Poster with a gun on it.

Nothing much really. Good know. As you can see i still need to unbox alot if stuff. Tord saaaaaaaaaaays (xD im sorry)

Oh uh cool tommo says
Tom is speachless
He just doesnt know what to say.
He's different around tord
Feels different
Not in a bad way
In a loving way

Toms POV
What do i say?
Idk anymore
Am i already falling in love with this guy i just met?
I dont even know him very well
Well he does seem like he wants to be friends so.... maybe we will become friends....? I sure hope so maybe even we can become someth-

Tom Got snapped out of his thoughts when tord poked tom on the shoulder lightly.

Uh Tom...? Are you ok..? You have just been standing there looking at the ground not moving just staring...

What!? Tom jerked up and looked at tord.

I think you know what i said...

Oh uh- sorry i was... Just thinking..



About what?

Oh uh... stuff

Can you tell me?


Come on plzzzzz

Tord these are MY thoughts not yours

Whatever fine

Anywaaaaay what do you want to do?

Ummm idk

Well your a great help

Oh hahaha very funny

Tord smiles. Tord sits down on his bed and patts the side next to him. Telling tom to sit next to him.
Of course tom does so and sits next to tord.
Tom and tord started small talk
And then they just wouldnt stop talking!
Laughing smiling giggling

They were having fun

And thats all that really matters

The neighbor next door (tomtord)Where stories live. Discover now