For Renee (@Loca4Enrique)

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I was sitting alone in the bar. It was friday night and i was too lazy to go shopping out with my friends. I was tired after dancing and was drinking my fifth glass of tequila! Tonight, i was determined not to stop myself on anything! Miama is a place for fun, And i am gonna have all the fun! 

 This really cute bartender came back again to ask me for more tequila!i said no, ofcourse. Just kidding!! You know me. He winked at me when i put my glass forward.

"you sure are enjoying this " he smiled after pouring it.

"you bet" i slurred.

I could already feeling dizzy, when someone from behind me tapped. I turned around and saw this guy around 25, wearing a cap, his face hidden in the darkness. 

"What?" i aksed rudely , 

"Oh" he said, after realizing something. His voice sound so familiar but i couldn't ring any bells.

"What?" i asked again, getting intrigued by every second.

HE was quiet for about five seconds and then he said shaking his head, "i thought you were someone else" Again , his voice sounded so familiar. 

"Who someone?" i asked flirtily , hoping he would stay to talk more.

"No one my girlfriend, Anna" i could see him smile at the name.

I sat there in a shock. This familiar voice sounded very very closely similar  to ......

"What's your name?" i asked quietly, my heart beating fast.

"Enrique iglesias."


Before i could say something, my glass left my hands and fall down and broke. Tequila all over on my dress. I gasped and looked up Enrique was so close to me. Some waiter pushed him by mistake from behind.

"Oh, my God, are you okay?"


"no, no you're not, God, can i help you" he was panicking. His hand touched my waist. Electric current shot in my body. 

I kept quiet, enjoying every pleasure he gave me with one light touch. But he was so embarrased. 

"Look, i am so sorry, i almost ruined your dress, I-"

"Enrique" i said , excitement so vivid in my voice, "You have no idea how much i love you" 

His expression turned puzzled.

"My fan? "

"The biggest! " i exhaled.

He smiled. His eyes averted on my lips. I could just imagine that He, Enrique will eveer kiss me. It was all dark around us, it could be so much fun. I love every inch of this 6.2 inch man standing before me. 

He stepped closer. he didn't kiss me. He could sense how nervous was I. But he lifted his thumb and slowly carassed my lower lip. Trust me, i could already feel my legs turning jelly-o. 

"Will you kiss me?" i asked him slowly.

"sí" he said in his spanish. His spanish accent is so fucking sexy. Oh God, my heart.

His Thumb moved down to my chin. He hold my chin and next i know his lips and my lips were  entangled in a kiss. His lips felt so warm and soft. Pulse racing, a shiver ran down my spine. His tongue slowly exploring my mouth. It started as a gentle oone, it turned wild and demanding. i wanted him, i want so much of him.I was so lost in the sensation of this one kiss. Our tongues dancing in rhythm. Our bodies so close.This guys is soo good with kissing.

My hands moved slowly up his chest and wrapped around his neck. His one hand clutching my hair and pulling me closer, his second hand holding me safely in his arms. Although my dress was wet he din't care.

There was no finesse, this kiss was on pure instinct.His mouth slowly moved to my neck, placing slow kisses at every interval, giving me heart attacks and goosebumps. I want to take a deep breath and save his smell in my memory. His sweet smell in every cell of my brain. His touch on every part of my skin.

He broke the kiss, breathless and whispered, " tomar un descanso chica loca"  in that fucking sexy voice that could just kill you!

I gave a nervous laugh. HIs breathe on my skin makes me so nervous. I wanted him. All of him. Its never enough when its on Enrique. But he said had to go. My heart breaks but atleast he gave me something that will always be the reason why i smile. His left. But i noticed a paper dropped . I picked it up and ran after him. But couldn't find him. Frantic, i open the chit, and it was his number. DID HE LEFT HTHIS ON PURPOSE? Oh, God!

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