Chapter 2: Part 2

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"I .. uhh ..", Aquino stared at his hand in disbelief, how did this happen? Aquino bites his lip, and nods. He slowly grips the shard on the end, and pulls .. slowly. The sting became worse, unbearable, once he couldn't anymore .. he ripped it out. Aquino yells in pain. "GOSH .. DANG IT .." He takes a few deep breaths, then looks at his hand. "There's gotta be medical supplies here somewhere." The pilot was nowhere to be seen, there were footprints of bloodstains. It was just Aquino.

Suddenly there was a rattling in the bushes, Aquino grabs the metal shard using it as an improvised knife. "He-Hello?" There was no answer, Aquino slowly approached the bush. He takes a peek over it ... it was the pilot! "Oh my .. sir! Are you okay?" Aquino quickly rushes to him. The pilot coughs, "Kid .. you're alive?" "Yeah, I assume you are?" Aquino slightly tilts his head, then something catches his eye. A piece of the V - TOL was submerged into his flesh, making it hard for him to move and breathe. "This isn't good .." Aquino shook his head.

"Kid .. there's a medical .." The pilot coughs again, "Medical research facility not far from here .." "We're in the middle of damn rain forest! There can't be any research facilities here!" Aquino tries to make sense to the pilot. "Kid, just ... take the translator and path finder from the waterproof locker in the V - TOL, somewhere in there .. I can't remember where." The pilot says sternly. "I have an access card to the facility, it'll be easier to enter .. it's an off - limits area, they have guards willing to shoot at anyone or anything hostile. Be careful." "I will .." Aquino nods, reassuringly, "But what about you? Do I have to get whoever in there to come to you?" "I won't last long, I've lost a lot of blood." "How do you know?" Aquino blinks a few times.

"This ...", The pilot takes off a wristband type of thing. "It monitors your heart rate, blood pressure .. you name it." "Oh, anything else?" Aquino asks. "You might wanna write this down.", The pilot says. Aquino nods, and taps his hand, expecting for his phone to work. He frowns, and taps it again. "Take mine .." The pilot hands him his band to project the screen. "Thanks," Aquino takes off his current one, and puts on the newer one. He taps his hand, it worked. "My code is 3476, change it later and log in." Aquino nods, and rises to walk to the crashed V - TOL. "Kid, be careful." "Why?" Aquino stops, and looks over his shoulder. "There are natives around here, dangerous ones." "What can they do?" Aquino blinks. The pilot sits up for a moment. "They're ... uhm .." "Cannibals?" Aquino tries to finish his sentence. "You'll see, just get the pistol from the waterproof locker, and uhm. Good luck." The pilot does the eastern hat tip.

"Thanks." Aquino walks towards the V - TOL, " 'Lotta debris." He stomps out the fires, and makes his way into the V - TOL. He looks around, and sees a locker. "Ha!" He jogs towards the locker, and sure enough, the waterproof locker was there. And so was a duffle bag. "Nice .." He takes  the times, and makes his way out of the crashed V - TOL. He sets down the locker and opens it, and all the items were there, so were medical supplies. "Hope my hand isn't infected," He opens the anti - septic, and soaks a bandage with it. He wraps it around his around, and the anti - septic got to work. He arms himself with the pistol, "7 mags, awesome. 25 rounds a mag, oh this'll last a year." Aquino takes a deep breath, takes the path finder (An electronic map project by the phone screen.) and the compass. (An ordinary compass.) "Hey, did you mention something about which way to go?" Aquino looks at the bush. "Dude? Hello?" Aquino walks to the bush, and takes a peek over it. THE PILOT WAS GONE.

"Maybe he ... went to find the medical facility? Anyway, it's a crossword puzzle now." He looks in all directions. West,East,South,North. "Eeny .. Meeny .. Miney ... Moe, South it is ..." He takes a deep breath, and walks South.

(WHEW, one of the longest chapters I have EVER written. Anyway, I'll have to leave ya on a cliffhanger .. Sorry! I promise tomorrow's will be interesting, so yeah! Thanks for supporting whoever read this, (Thanks Roan!) )

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