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~The Next Day~

Addison's POV

Today is the day that I leave for England. I'm so nervous to go school knowing what's going to happen hours after. I know that Zayne is gonna want to talk to me. I know that Matt is going to get upset. I just... I just wish he hadn't done what he did. And I know, running away from your problems won't solve anything. But I need a getaway... I need to focus on something important. I'm not saying that Zayne isn't important to me but he's a distraction. He is- I like him and he's gone and hurt me knowing that I liked and him after telling me that he likes me too. It just really hurts and I don't understand it. I've never understand "love". I'm not even sure that it's love I'm feeling. Because I've never felt it for someone like I do for Zayne. I just wish he wasn't a player. I wish we met on better circumstances. I kind of wish that we want fuck buddies. I guess I wish that things would be better for us.

I quickly changed into a plain white shirt and black jeans and black boots. I left my house and went to school. When I got there I saw Zayne waiting at the gates. He'd already seen me and was heading over. I just stood there in shock. Like an idiot. I didn't expect him to come to me so early. I couldn't go anywhere because if I turned back I knew he would just follow if I went forward I knew he would stop me from entering the school building. He was now stood in front of me.

"Please, I need to talk to you..." he begged.

I gave him a look and walked around him. I could already feel the tears in my eyes knowing that soon I'll be on the plane to a different continent for crying out loud knowing that I'll be leaving my feelings behind. Knowing that I be leaving anything that we could have had in America. And moving away to the United Kingdom. To England. Where I would try to forget Zayne and move on. This was going to be hard. You can't just forget someone or something that you care deeply for or about. If only it was possible. Life would be much easier.

But since when was life easy?

I walked down the corridors and found my locker. I took out everything and put it in my bag knowing that if I didn't do it now I wouldn't do it later and all of my stuff would be left in the locker.

Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw best friend, Matt. I can't believe I'm going to be leaving Matthew behind. He's been there for me this whole time. The only person who would truly listen when I felt like the whole world was against me. He's a very important person in my life because when my parents decided that they would abandon me completely, he was the one I could turn to. He was the one that let me stay at his house so I could get back on my feet again. He was the one who comforted me when I was crying. He was the one that sat through a Twilight marathon with me.

"I'm gonna miss you Addison!" He said hugging me tightly. I sniffled.
"Me too Matty! I'm really going to miss you. But trust me, I'll call and text you every day while I'm there. And I'll visit once in a while. I will never forget you. You're my best friend!" I said letting go from the hug.

Today would be a long day. Because today is the day I leave everything I've ever known behind. Today is the day that I turn a new page in my book of life. The day I start a new chapter. The day that I'll forget Zayne...


I had special permission from the school to leave early. I did have to make sure I had everything I needed and that my cab would definitely be coming so that I could get to the airport on time. I know I'm going to be leaving at like eight but I also wanted some time to think so I told them that I'd be leaving around six. I really don't wanna go. But it will be a great experience for me.

I met up with Matthew near the field and underneath the oak trees that we used to hangout. This would be my last goodbye.

I waited a little while knowing Matthew he'd be late as usual. He soon came with a huge card and flowers.

"What's all this? You don't have to get this for me..." I smiled at the gifts.

"I know, but I wanted to. I didn't want you to leave me behind without nothing to remember me by da!" I laughed that his ridiculousness. Man I'm going to miss this guy!

"I will never forget you..."

We sat under the tree talking for a while until it is time for me to leave. I gave Matthew one last hug and a kiss on his cheek knowing that it'd annoy him. I left the school thinking about what was gonna happen soon. Thinking about the hours I was going to spend at home packing, checking and most importantly...


Zayne's POV

I was running round the school looking for Addison. I desperately needed to speak with her. What I did last night it was horrible. I just confessed how I felt about her and then I went and fucked some other chick. I had no reason to. I just missed her and she looked like Addison and has just reminded me of her so badly and I wanted and needed her and – I have no excuse for my actions but I just need to know what is gonna happen between us now.

I didn't find her but I found her best friend. Matthew.

"Matt!" I yelled down the corridor. He turned round and spun on his heels quickly and started to walk away.

"Hey! Wait!" I said stopping him. He turned around slowly and gave me a weird smile.

"Hey... Zayne... How you doing?" He said.

"Where's Addison? I need to speak to her. Have you seen her?" I asked hopefully.

"No!" He replied quickly. He is such a bad liar.

"Where is she?" I asked getting a bit impatient with him.

"I don't know..." He insisted. I don't believe a word of what he's saying!
"I would tell you but I promised I wouldn't!" What the hell is he talking about?!

"What? What the hell are you talking about? What's wrong with Addison? Is she in some sort of trouble?!" I panicked a bit. He is not making any sense at all.

"No, no. She is not in trouble or anything. She just asked me not to tell you where she was going for personal reasons... I'm sorry Zayne, I can't help you... I need to tell you something later. I'll text you so keep your phone close by..." He said before turning down the corridor.

I tried calling Addison's phone and it's not working. She won't answer. It's now 7:30 and I still haven't gotten a hold of her. My phone went off and it was a text from Matt.

She's at the airport. The flight leaves at eight so hurry!

What is she doing at the airport?!

She's going to get her hair and make up done.. fool! What do you do when you go to the airport have a party? She is moving to England permanently so go get her! Sometimes I feel like I have to feed you the answers!

I turned off my phone and grabbed my coat and keys. I rushed to the airport.

Hopefully I'm not too late!

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