CHOICES Levi X Reader X Erwin

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To me, it was another normal day as a cadet in the Scouting Legion. I woke up happy as usual, I did my morning routine in a timely manner, I was on time for breakfast, and I did well during training like normal. Nothing was out of the ordinary for me until I was called into the office of Commander Erwin Smith. I was frightened of him. He was a large man with piercing eyes, but I knew that he had a softer side and wasn't all that scary. But the scariest was Corporal Levi Ackerman. His shortness meant that he could be anywhere at any time. And he always had an icy glare that sent shivers down my spine.

I gulped as I made my way down the long, narrow hall to the Commander's office. It felt like the walk there to hours when it only took seconds. I saw my short life flash before my eyes. I feared that I did something wrong to upset the powerful man. Maybe I was getting kicked out of the military as a whole? Maybe I was getting transferred to the Military Police or the Garrison. I didn't like any of the options. I chose the Scouting Legion because they were the most honest and actually did something to fend off the titans.

When I reached his office door, I raised my hand up and formed a fist. I promptly knocked three times before entering. I twisted the golden door handle and pushed open the large, wooden door. It was thicker and heavier than all the other doors on the base. Except for the gigantic front door entrance.

Erwin was sitting quietly at his desk doing paperwork when I entered. It seemed like he didn't notice me at all. I cleared my throat and smiled. He looked up at me also with a smile.

"Cadet (L/N)," he boomed, "you're here. I didn't expect you to be here so quick." He began to clear things off of his desk.

I held my hands behind my back and looked at him with bright eyes. "Ah, yes, well once I received word that you wanted me here, I didn't want to keep you waiting."

He nodded his head and began to file some of the paperwork into a wooden cabinet. He took his time as I stood in the middle of his office, waiting to be told that I may sit.

"I'm just waiting on Levi to arrive. The three of us have things to discuss."

I was even more confused than I already was. We had stuff to talk about? Since when? I'm not in either of their squads. I've been here for years and I was just a cadet in general. I had no special skills that made me stand out from the other cadets and allowed me to be in a particular squad. And in my time being here I have noticed much improvement in my skill set. The only special thing about me was that I could be on time no matter what was happening. How was that going to help me in a squad? I was basically a nobody here and it was well-known. Or maybe not because I blended in with the average background character. Even my looks were average.

Erwin and I managed to muster up some small talk until Levi arrive at least ten minutes late.

"Late again, Levi." The Commander announced.

"Shut it. Let's get this meeting going." Levi licked his lips with anticipation.

Erwin motioned for us both to sit in the two leather and wooden chairs that sat just before his desk. As we sat, I felt all eyes on me. It made me nervous being the center of attention.

Silence filled the room for a few moments before Erwin said what he needed to.

"Look, cadet, you're special. Special in so many ways. You were in the top ten of your training days and since the Military Police are seriously hurting for members, they want you. Now, I know that you don't want to go there but the choice is yours. If you go, fine, but if you say, we have another thing we need to discuss." During his little speech, he looked between Levi and I. I sat there, stone cold, expressionless even. I didn't want to give hints as to what I'd choose.

I smirked. "Do you really think I'd leave the Scouting Legion? As if. I'm staying."

Levi smiled at Erwin. That made me nervous. What did they have up their sleeves?

"Since you're staying..." Levi started but Erwin waved at him to stop.

"Now you have another choice. Levi or me. Easy. Simple. You choose." He said it so nonchalantly. What did he mean by that? Levi or him. How was I supposed to take that? Whose squad did I want to be in? Who I thought was a better leader? Who I thought was more attractive? Who I'd rather date? How was I supposed to interpret that?!

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean, sir?"

"Idiot," Levi mumbled, "if you had to choose, whose squad would you rather be in?"

I thought about it for a moment. Levi's squad was more elite, they had special skills that set them apart for other cadets. But Erwin's squad was intelligence. Sadly, I didn't belong in either and I knew it very well. I wasn't going to lie to myself and tell myself that I'm the best soldier out there, that I'm the best looking out there, or that I'm the best person to ever exist. I was middle-of-the-pack material and I knew it.

"I don't belong with either, sirs. I'm not well skilled enough for either of your squads. I'm sorry."

They looked taken aback from what I said although it was the truth.

"You are-" Erwin began but he was cut off by Levi.

"Then how about this, who would you rather bend you over this table and fuck you senseless?"

My mouth went dry and my eyes were suddenly wide. If I was drinking something, I would have spit it out because of what he said. A fit of nervous laughter passed by as I was trying to make myself believe that I just made that up, that Levi didn't really say that.

Erwin coughed to regain my attention. "What he meant to say was, which one of us would you rather spend the rest of your life with?"

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