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I sat alone in my dark room wearing grungy pajamas, crying. The curtains were shut, my TV was off, and I stared at my dimly lit phone screen with tear stained cheeks. My boyfriend of two and a half years just broke up with me. I didn't see it coming, I didn't even see the warning signs that presented themselves every single day.

He'd give me short one word answers, walk away from me without saying a single thing, not respond to my texts, ignore me when others were around. The list went on and on but my sweet self couldn't see what was happening. He didn't want me anymore and I was broken. Broken into so many pieces that I didn't think I was fixable.

As I re-read the texts, more tears began to flow down my pink cheeks.

Me: Is there any specific reason? Did I do something wrong? Just TALK to me!

Levi: Nope. Nope. And no.

Me: I sobbing my eyes out. Please, Levi. I love you so much. Just tell me why. Let me know so I can fix it. It might not fix us, but please, Levi! I'm begging you!

Levi: You can't do shit now, (F/N). It's way too late. I've moved on. I have a new girl.

Me: So that's it? You had a side bitch and couldn't even tell me? You went the dick way out and slowly ignored me to the point where it broke me? THAT'S NOT WHAT A NORMAL PERSON DOES LEVI!

Me: I thought you loved me. I actually thought that we'd be together for a while. But now? Now I hope you rot in Hell for all that you've put me through. I'm glad that I caught you with her. It showed me who you really are. Fuck you. Never talk to me again, asshole.

Levi: Well it seems that you've thought wrong. I'm glad that you caught me too. Made it so much easier. And don't worry. This will be the last message that I ever send your ass.

My sorry ass decided to go through my phone and delete all of the pictures of us together. The happy times came back so clearly when I came across them. They were in a specific folder, so I didn't come across them. I guess I just wanted to make myself hurt more.

A certain picture appeared on my screen and it hurt to look at even more than the other pictures.

It was a very specific picture. It was of Levi and I sitting on a bench smoking together. I rarely smoked compared to him. He smokes every chance that he could in the day, whereas I only smoked when I was stressed.

That particular day I had a stressful job interview. He had picked me up after it and took me to a park where we broke out the cigarettes and had a good smoke. We sat on the park bench, looking at kids pass. We talked about our future, what we wanted to do with our lives, where we saw ourselves in five years.

We looked badass in the picture. We had on ebony leather jackets. My undershirt was red and his was white. Basically, we looked like Greasers from the 1950's, but hotter. He made that stressful day into one of the best days of my life when he surprised me with black roses and his famous made-from-scratch mac & cheese.

I snapped out of whatever trance I was in when my phone began to ring in my hands. I answered it quickly, hoping that it was Levi although I knew that it wasn't.

"Hello?" I answered, sniffing loudly.

Someone cleared their throat. "Hey, I was wondering if you were coming out tonight with Levi and the rest of us."

I could feel my throat contracting. I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"(F/N)? Are you there? I can hear breathing."

"I'm here," I sobbed, "I'm here."

There was a pause on the other side of the line.

"Oh shit, are you okay? What's going on? Do I need to come over? Do you need someone to talk to? (F/N)?"

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