maked up mind

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Your losing to make me leave, now begging for me to stay. Is it something I say that make it on OK. My works untouchable knock you in the head and make you responsible. Words can't say when action get in the way. For me to stay, it won't be OK. No more games, it is just a empty flamed. Flame die, love die but what a thing I didn't cry. Friend ask how did I survived and I said faith, hope that's what bring out the light.

                      My Heart
I discover that my heart can see. I discover that my heart can speak cause when I seek, I know what it want to eat. My heart says no! He is not the one for me. My heart knows who to choose. My heart knows who it need. My heart knows who will leave.

Why am I shy "why", why cant I speak my mine why. Shy keep me away from getting brave. Why my hands shake. Why my eyes wink. Why I bit my nails. Is it a depression? My mind keep spinning in circle, I get so depress and full of stress, why do I get so shy I hate it because it make me weak or fallen to my knees why! Oh! why  did I get shy.

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